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Cheaters IP list: Post your Banned.lst


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I have a zero tolerance for cheaters on my server. If you are caught cheating, you are banned for life. I plan on keeping my MTA server up for a while, so if you’re banned; it’s your own fault.

So far I have some IP's of cheaters. I suggest everyone post some IP's in here so we can start blacklisting all the cheaters on all the servers. I realize this may be a bit extreme, but like I said. I have zero tolerance for cheaters. Not only are the trainers crashing people, they are ruining the fun.

So here is my list. I will add any other IP's that people post in here. I hope all other admins follow. This should take care of alot of cheaters. Or at least make them think twice about cheating.

BANNED FROM "South Beach Server" 2003


IP's Listed above have been witnessed by me to be cheating. These include Speed hacks, Infinity Ammo, and other such trainer cheats. Is your IP on this list and it shouldnt be? Email Me: [email protected]


Edited by Guest
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i'll make it sticky

We should clear up some misconceptions though. Sometimes when people are running different versions of the game, and try shooting each other, it just doesn't work, the guy thinks he's hitting the other person, but it appears missing on the other person's screen. So some might consider this as cheating, that the person has some sort of god mode or something.

Lets define first what are cheaters and which are not. I would not like to be tagged for something I didn't do wrong. Would you?

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ok cheaters ip's who are posted here are restricted only to the blatant abusers..

those who flood the chat purposefully and maliciously

and those who are blatant with their unfair tactics.

those being

- purposefully crashing other's games

- obvious uses of hacks which

- exhibit use of weapons not included in the .scm file

- movements not possible without some sort of hack (flying car/peds etc)

- obvious health hacking (use this sparingly as gunfire is still not 100% guaranteed to register as a hit on both sides)

Please be very restrictive with your posts in this thread or i will ahve to remove it.


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As far as the people on my list. These people were flat out cheating. 2 out of the 3 said they were actually using the trainers and to screw off. The third IP was using infinity health after I dumped 10 clips into him. He even came up to me and said what are you going to do? (Not knowing I was the Admin) hehe. Anyways, these are the same people that are going to use the MTA:VC only hacks when they come out. I just dont want them on my server. Nobody is telling you that you have to adopt this list, I just thought I would post the blatent cheaters that I saw on my servers. And I would be happy to adopt some other admins ip's. And lastly, if your IP is on my list, and you dont think it should be, email me and I will gladly take it off.

There are alot of cool kids making up there own games on my server. And it sucks for some jackass to come in and ruin it for 10+ people. Until they disable some of the trainers, this is my to slack policy.


South Beach Server

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If you stay still in one spot and people can't kill you, they should know you're paused. If you're moving around and someone empties a couple clips on you, then you're probably cheating. So if I were an admin and I saw that I wouldn't ban you because it's obvious it isn't cheating.

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I have killed a cheater who must have had the all weapons cheat on but not the invincibility cheat on, guess he thought it would justify the whole thing, lol

I killed him and ended up with all his weapons he had cheated to get which was the chainsaw, sniper rifle, Assault Rifle, stuff like that

It is possible that people could think I was the one cheating when someone else was so you should be able to swear on anything hes a cheater

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to report a cheater, he was on one of the official servers, his name is/was : TUBSHITTER. What he did is change the handeliong file so his cars go faster ,and he admited it and was happy to make ppl games crash he didnt even care and he said some things not to pleasent about the mta team, when i said that im gonna report him

I gotr proof (screenshots) however i on this forum i cant add attachments ,so iff anyone wants to see proof let me know, im ussually in the SM stunt server.

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I have come across TUBSHITTER a few times, and had some suspicions, but have never seen him do anything obviously 'cheating', just some irritating and offensive things that where not quite serious enough to warrant a kick let alone a ban, this may be because he knows who i am and is therefore carefull not to do anything obvious when i am on the server. I think i will start to play under a different name and see how he behaves.

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First I will say Cheaters are lamers who should be shunned.

But amalgamating your ban lists?

Why bother?

If my IP was banned from a server... id just change it.

But theres really no way to fix the problem as others have already stated elsewhere.

And as far as the situation goes... theres not really a better option available.

But in the same respect... you cant really be so acusing...

I mean ive seen some VC bugs with MTA... like the paused game dmg immunity bug.

Also I did a high speed collision on a pjc6000 and a SUV ... teleported me instantly from the malibu area to little Hati. Without my ride!

Its pretty easy to cheat... but its also pretty easy to look like a cheat.

So you really shouldnt be so quick to acuse people.

But then again... sometimes it is obvious.

Id like to see a feature in MTA that allows cheats to be enabled and disabled. I know that if im playing a LAN game with my friends we'd prolly like to try going all out a few times with tanks and the hunter etc...

Thanks for reading.

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Oh yea... one more thing.

I know that there are some cheats that are disabled due to compatibility issues. As long as there is incomaptibility, they should be blocked regardless of an optional cheat blocking settings.

Easier said then done... yes i know what its like.

Tremendous job, you guys have some real talent.


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There is one thing I don't understand. There are a lot of people with dial-up or ADSL and most of these connections have dynamic IPs, meaning they change everytime they connect to the internet. If there is a cheater who has a dynamic IP, and you would ban his IP, he could just reconnect to the internet and he has a new IP and there he goes cheating again... Can someone explain to me how this banning works?? It bans an IP address right??

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There is one thing I don't understand. There are a lot of people with dial-up or ADSL and most of these connections have dynamic IPs, meaning they change everytime they connect to the internet. If there is a cheater who has a dynamic IP, and you would ban his IP, he could just reconnect to the internet and he has a new IP and there he goes cheating again... Can someone explain to me how this banning works?? It bans an IP address right??

you pretty much covered it your self right there! :D

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