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alt+F12... all cars start to burn, game freezes

Guest Ikke [JA!]

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Oke... first of all... great job making a MP GTA3! Excellent work!

But I have a small problem. As soon as I hit alt+F12, it says Multiplayer game inisiated, then all the cars in my sreen start to burn and 2 secs later the game freezes completely!

Can anyone tell me what I`m doing wrong?

I have a P4 2,4 gig, so that shouldn`t be a problem.... plz... HELP!



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Thnx BigJ... but I had i a couple of times... this is not a one time thing.

I also had a error screen in windows, would it help if I post that here?

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this happened to me too, but what occurred was I pressed alt f12 and is said mp initialized and then the roads were catching on fire and I could hear people screaming but there was nobody around on foot. then eventually my car caught fire exploded and then gta locked up.

I figured it was the other person on MTA with me out of their car throwing napalms a people. it was a weird experience...

also I have beeen playing regular GTA3 again now and every once in a while I am seeing people running around that are not pedbots. I am always connected. could someone have my IP addy and be sneaking in my GTA when I'm not expecting it? Wouldnt it be fucked up if you were just playing and then all of a sudden you were ambushed by other GTA players online? this is why i live for the next episode 0.3

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i just got this bug too... quite humorous...

happened to me after gta3 throwing faults a few times and me restarting it...

im sure the way i was doing that was throwing the mp console software through a trip...

it was cute though..


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i had that problem a couble of times....and i know wut the problem is forsure...

the car catches on fire because you pressed alt+f12 before the other playa got in the car...so when the other player gets in the car, his car catches on fire also.. =-) ... so now both of you are on fire..

P.S Always Roll On the Ground When Your On Fire. ! :shock:

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I have this problem too. Even tried copying my friend's GTA3 completely. So we both run the same GTA3, we both have P4-2ghz w/ 512mb ram. Pretty sure his network settings are different somehow though.

When he hosts a game, and I attempt to join, his GTA3MTA crashes! :(

Not sure what error message shows up though, but will find out as soon as possible.

So, for all of you that have GTA3MTA working, could you tell me what kind of network settings are required. or if the makers could tell me what GTA3MTA uses for LAN games, that might be of some use to me!

Thanks in advance you lot, and once I get this baby working, you guys will definitely hit my "YOU GUYS ROCK" list! :)


I got GTA3MTA working! Sweet as eh? My friend had directx 8.1 installed & I had 9. Not sure that was the prob but could've been. Other thing it, all other times one of us was driving whilst the other pressed ALT-F12 (well, I believe this was the case anyway).

My friend still can't start the server though, hope one of you can help me with that one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had the same problem......

but me and my friend wheren't driving in a car (only sitting in it).

but i still had stis bug :(:shock:

and we had the same save game fil what did we do wrong :?

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