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2 ideas for DM


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In GTA SA you can kiss girlfriend. Will kissing be possible for all players on MTADM? :lol:

Another idea is using a Desert Eagle/shotgun/m4/sawed-off shotgun/9mm pistol/AK-47 as a drive-by passenger weapon. I know this is possible because I've seen this in GTASA.

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Yes to use this weapons like drive-by weapons is posible!But it won't be pssible in mta dm!Cuz shot from m5 tec9 its enaf.Tec 9 from car is enaf strong and if drive-by weapon will be m4 it will be to stong!Every one will use drive by!

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you're not the first one posting both ideas. There's enoegh to find about the driveby and the emotes allso have been discussed recently.

Everything else than yellow and orange weapons with driveby would get too powerfull. Those others were all used in vigilante tough, but only to make it you, as player a little more difficult. Alltough it doesn't make a difference if you do vigilante in a rhino or a hunter.

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lol kissing.. i think it won't be possible, cause it's not needed in DeathMatch, or you wanna kiss your opponent before you kill him? :lol: Anyway it will take some time for mta team to sync the kisses, which they could spend on something more important for DM imo.

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In GTA SA you can kiss girlfriend. Will kissing be possible for all players on MTADM? :lol:

Another idea is using a Desert Eagle/shotgun/m4/sawed-off shotgun/9mm pistol/AK-47 as a drive-by passenger weapon. I know this is possible because I've seen this in GTASA.

using large weapons to driveby is possible, but i think its more of an issue of balance - drivebying with heavy weapons can be too powered

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lol kissing.. i think it won't be possible, cause it's not needed in DeathMatch, or you wanna kiss your opponent before you kill him? :lol: Anyway it will take some time for mta team to sync the kisses, which they could spend on something more important for DM imo.

Hmm, you got a point. Would be funny to see kissing in DM

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drivebying with heavy weapons can be too powered

Agreed, if anything the current driveby weapons need to be tampered with to drastically reduce thier rate of fire and/or damage when used in that fashion, if not then they will be the bane of the game (alternatively allow server admins to disable them - I'm betting that the majority will ;) )

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drivebying with heavy weapons can be too powered

Agreed, if anything the current driveby weapons need to be tampered with to drastically reduce thier rate of fire and/or damage when used in that fashion, if not then they will be the bane of the game (alternatively allow server admins to disable them - I'm betting that the majority will ;) )

You do realize that the default sideways drivebys are disabled in favor of the free-aim ones? Their rate of fire is actually slower than it is on foot.

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In GTA SA you can kiss girlfriend. Will kissing be possible for all players on MTADM? :lol:

Another idea is using a Desert Eagle/shotgun/m4/sawed-off shotgun/9mm pistol/AK-47 as a drive-by passenger weapon. I know this is possible because I've seen this in GTASA.

Cops on bikes often use the colt in single player. That should have been possible for the player too

Edited by Guest
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I do agree that different drive-by weapons may be a bit overpowered, but adjusted for in-car use correctly could add a lot to the game. Shotguns would obviously be more powerful at closer range. It could add a new element to drive-by's. However, the biggest reason I'd like any weapon to be used in passenger drive-by is because (not that I know how weapons are distributed) everyone will want an SMG. It's also make it so the driver isn't on-par with the driver. The passengers should be a bit more powerful since they don't have any control over the car. Either that, or the driver a bit less powerful.

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the advantage of the passengers is that they can focus on whay they're shooting on, wich you shouldn't do if you're the driver. allready tried aiming backwards at a target while you have to controll the car?

just let the driver do the driving and the passengers the shooting

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The impact with a shotgun would be quite efficent, espically if you hit the opponent quite accurate anywhere on their body. Sometimes you see in movies similar events taking place on the highway with people leaning out of their windows, firing ammunition at the other vehicles, like the shotgun etc.

Featuring that effect would be interesting to play with.

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There was something i was wondering. Would it be possible to change the weapons from dual wielding to single wielding? (Ex. the Tec9, Mac10, and the sawed offs.) because they overpower all of the other weapons and making them single wield would add more action in fighting, having to really aim/fire at the player to kill them, rather than the "spray" technique.

Could this be possible (which i figure it more than likely could.)


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