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I wanna learn C++ stuff can some one help me (dont point to a online tutorial unles it has tons of pictures witch would help me) i just wana get in to coding n stuff

it will be very hard it will take a long time to just learn the basics but i will do it one day if i wont give up

at first i wana know how to train and beggin

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OK, this is going to be in very simple language and it will assume you are an idiot (im not saying you are, and dont take offence if it is too dumbed down)

c++ is a language, it is made so that humans (with a bit of learning) can understand it, but that with a special translator computers can understand it too.

You just write lots of words in a special way, then after writing them, you press a special button and the words get turned into stuff that computers understand.

You have to have a program that turns the c++ into computer language. this is called a compiler, and you will have to find one to download.

so why do you want to use it anyway? so that you can tell a computer to do stuff that no-one has ever wanted a computer to do before.

c++ is very complex for a beginner, but once you understand how it works, the rest is just practise.

if you want to make programs then you may want an SDK (software development kit) this is just lots of stuff put together, like a compiler + something that fixes mistakes you made + other cool stuff. and SDK is usefull because it will tell you if you mis-typed something, instead of you searching for hours. but it cant fix all bugs, so you still need to debug, just about anything you write (even just 3-4 lines of code will have a mistake somewhere).

before you learn, you need some in-depth computer knowledge. so go look stuff up when you hear about it.

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Here's a step by step process:

Open Dev-C++, go to File > New > Project, click Console Application and type in a name, save it somewhere, and paste the following into the editor:

using namespace std;

int main ()
 cout << "Hello World!";

 return 0;

Then hit the Compile and Run button on the top left, and the program should be launced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1stly, dont start with c++, i cant just jump in and learn in, id recomend learning c 1st cos c++ is a drivative of c 2ndly start with basics like VB or html or pascal, much easier to help you under stand the logic, especially if ur teaching urself, i have taught myself html css js and im not onto c/pawn/c++

and im still having trouble with the logic

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