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A weird thing about SA DM.....

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If in deathmatch everyone is going to be, like everywhere around San Andreas, it's gona take hell alot of time just to find someone (without planes, that is!). So I wonder if they could like make a boarder or something around cities or places? Or leave it on the whole map?

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they could just make all the spawn points in a certian city and call that map Las Venturas Death Match or what ever, and people wouldn't leave the city because that is the only place to find other people.

Exactly, you can make sure people stay in the desired area by putting all your spawnpoints, vehicles, and pickups there. If you wanted you could also create objects that act as physical barriers.

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I actually would like to see DM take part in the whole SA, so I hope that there will be no limitation in putting vehicles around whole map.

Depends on the people in the server.. If there are over 60 people in a server, I would have agree with you, but if there are less than 15, I dont.

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Yea, it would be great if MTA Team could do something like there is in BF2 - game changes size of the map to match the ammount of players on the server. So it would look like this:

20-40 players - Los Santos Map

40-60 players - Los Santos and Las Venturas

60-80 players - Whole Map

Ofcourse the maps could be changed, so the first map could be any of the three main cities.

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well, when there is 60 people in one city in san andreas, it gets very crowded, even with 30 it seems crowded (from another multiplayer game...), but that may just be me, yes it would be good to put spawnpoints and vehicle/gun pickups in a certain area to keep the action high there and this in-turn would keep people there in that spot. but what if somebody got lost or standed out in the middle of nowhere with no cars around, they would have to kill themselves and lose all that they had. putting vehicles in a hotspots yes, but also think of the little ones that will get lost in that big place called san andreas.

Big post innit?

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Well, about the invisible barriers, if you fly a plane/heli into them, would you bounce off or hit it like an object? like it would be good to have a message to warn players "You are now going Out of Game area" before they hit the wall and die, or just to tell them to turn around.

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Yea, it would be great if MTA Team could do something like there is in BF2 - game changes size of the map to match the ammount of players on the server. So it would look like this:

20-40 players - Los Santos Map

40-60 players - Los Santos and Las Venturas

60-80 players - Whole Map

Ofcourse the maps could be changed, so the first map could be any of the three main cities.

For the whole map it would have 2 be more like 200 or more people, In sa-mp there is servers with 100 ppl in city and still not that full.

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