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Banner contest

I prefer  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. I prefer

    • Jayster's banner
    • Gamefreek's banner
    • I can not decide
    • I don't care

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I don't say I vote for this one cause I don't like

the other guy or something like that it's cause

I think it's easly the best. Jayster was easly the

best of them, the design and the fonts matched

the colors and the image quality was very good

and Gamefreeks ones font didn't match that good

into the banner.

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neither are very memorable, they both are put together well, but there are many banners made up the same way. my favorite banner of all time so far has been the one with all the people lined up in vc. perhaps something like that including the other 2 games as well.

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I don't say I vote for this one cause I don't like

the other guy or something like that it's cause

I think it's easly the best. Jayster was easly the

best of them, the design and the fonts matched

the colors and the image quality was very good

and Gamefreeks ones font didn't match that good

into the banner.

Yes, the "A" in "Auto" looks a bit dodgy now you point it out. I didn't notice that before.

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