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ATS - Apparition


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they posted "cheat operators" or something in credits...

but how the f**k u get on the roofs there with the bikes? this is phisically incorrect... only if u mod the vehicles for 5 kilograms weight... :evil:

Its called a BSM, and it is not cheated. I can do it with a newly installed VC game. First you need 2 bikes. Place one against a pole and get another one to push it so the bike will fall and be stuck at a 45 degrees angle. Now you just wheelie a second before you hit the bike and youre done.

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they posted "cheat operators" or something in credits...

but how the f**k u get on the roofs there with the bikes? this is phisically incorrect... only if u mod the vehicles for 5 kilograms weight... :evil:

i can do it in the PS2! :P ..... I love how we all mod and actually don't try these stunts a million times. :roll:

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can u upload a movie u made on clear (no cheats,mods,trainers,gliches,ans stuff like that) gta? :)

really the stunts are great and everithing but i just want to compare myself to something other people done and check if i can make a stunt movie... :roll:

btw u can see my movies in tga...

i know that i cant do such stunts but im not cheating :P

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