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MTA Racing release

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Yeah, you can have a Rhino race, however it wouldn't be so cool because everyone in the race must have the same vehicle defined by the server (in the current system). Rhinos are pretty fireproof (I think). There's just a bug we need to fix regarding the turrent movement (should be trivial to fix).

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Rhino races will soon end up in some crazy over-the-top races, that are everything but serious, like mario kart or that kinda racers. Since you can aim the turret backwards and the firepower can give you an extra speedboost, and this will work with infinite speeds, and that makes it hard to turn. So it would be fun as partyracer with ramps and over the top gameplay, but don't expect this to be a realistic mode :D

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I'd say that's a hard question to reply to, but I'll try to explain.

The server bandwidth consumed increases exponentially with the number of players playing. Imagine if you got two players on a server. A client sends it's locationdata to the server, and the server distributes that to the other clients (2 orientations received and 2 orientations sent per sync by the server per sync = 4 operations per sync). That's done many times a second.

Then if you add an another player, the server will receive orientation data from all 3 clients and must distribute each orientation data from each player to each player. That's 3 receive and 3 send for the server per sync = 9 operations per sync. Then imagine 12 players. That's 12^2 = 144 operations per sync. With 13 players, it's 169 operations.

That's not accurrately how it works, but it gives a good picture on how the bandwidth consumptation increases with the number of players. The clientside won't be affected too much with many players as it only receives one orientation packet from the server for each player (means you can play on a huge server with an average connection). Ie, 13 players = 12 receive operations for the other players, and 1 send for it's own orientation per sync. So it's a great difference between, lets see, 30 players and 31 players.

Back to your question, the mod can decide number of max players, and currently we've set it to 16 players (so a maximum of 1-16 players is choosable in the server config) for the race mode as any more would be unpractical when racing. BLUE (and racemode) has a lot more effective netcode than any previous MTA, so it can support a bigger number of players but I don't have the curage to guess. It will have to be tested. As the data-amount handled by the server increases with the number of players, it would really depend on the server. Assuming GTA can handle very many characters, we can also handle very many characters.

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Okay thanks, I appreciate your dedication to answering questions, just don't burn yourself out like alot of the older members did when they were new. :)

p.s. I knew there wasn't going to be even a guess on player #, I know better but the curosity is killing me.

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just to correct ChrML here.. the current MAX the server will allow is 32.. im simply setting it to 16 in the config cos i felt like it.

This doesnt mean its gonna be 16 or 32 or whatever.. we havnt decided yet.. we will prob decide once we have tested with lots of ppl on

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just to correct ChrML here.. the current MAX the server will allow is 32.. im simply setting it to 16 in the config cos i felt like it.

This doesnt mean its gonna be 16 or 32 or whatever.. we havnt decided yet.. we will prob decide once we have tested with lots of ppl on

Hehe, okay :).

PS: Ransom, I wouldn't worry about that :). I like taking a few minutes off time to time reading and posting at the forums.

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Ahk, well I figured since 0.x series has gotten 26 player servers (from very heavy duty servers like Nutz), it seems safe to say such improved coding and new discoveries should allow for at least an extra 5-10 ppl easy!

32 players itself would be very cool though.

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  • 1 month later...


wtf... man, i give lotsa respect to MTA team and all... but make GTA only race??

now WTF??? connect to server, start a game and already go racing... now this is gay..

i strongly suggest you guys to STICK to GTA if u make multiplayer mods for it... if u want race - mod NFS or MC... + GTA's racing n handling sux, gta isnt made for this..

guys, i have respect 4 ur work and all - but this new is just BS :( make atleast a little wack onfoot sync so we can walk out the car if its exploded to get a new one... OMG

P.S. if the first release is going to be only racing, then why RELEASE IT? u said in next releases there will be onfoot, but why not just take time and make onfoot thing? NOONE WANTS RACING... except maybe the MTA team :?

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P.S. if the first release is going to be only racing, then why RELEASE IT? u said in next releases there will be onfoot, but why not just take time and make onfoot thing? NOONE WANTS RACING... except maybe the MTA team :?

I do...

How do you know it will be crap? Play it and THEN judge it. I've played it and I certainly don't think it's crap - far from it. None of the other beta testers do either.

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P.S. if the first release is going to be only racing, then why RELEASE IT? u said in next releases there will be onfoot, but why not just take time and make onfoot thing? NOONE WANTS RACING... except maybe the MTA team :?

If they didn't release it, then you'd be whining about how its taking even longer to be released. Face it. No matter what the MTA team do, people like you are gonna be whining about something. Just play the damn thing after it's released. You'll still be waiting for footsync, but you'll have something to play in the meantime.

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P.S. if the first release is going to be only racing, then why RELEASE IT? u said in next releases there will be onfoot, but why not just take time and make onfoot thing? NOONE WANTS RACING... except maybe the MTA team :?

Why don't you go crawl back under the rock you came from, wait until the 2nd release is out, and act like it's the 1st..

While the rest of us enjoy a great side of GTA, with multiplayer.

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P.S. if the first release is going to be only racing, then why RELEASE IT? u said in next releases there will be onfoot, but why not just take time and make onfoot thing? NOONE WANTS RACING... except maybe the MTA team

Quite alot of people want racing. Looking at how to mod is developing and with the new core involved it will be a totally new experience and nothing like the old stunt servers on the current client.

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Quite alot of people want racing.

lol yes 10% of the GTA Users :lol: If i want a race game then i play NFS and i hate race games because you can do nothing ther only driving grrr that is lame :(

If i have see that GTA Blue cams out I have said to me yah f_u_c_k yah ower 1 Jaher and now it cams out and then i read first release only race mod then i was frustrated :cry:

If it takes one Jahr for a .... race mod how lo it tacks for the real version :?

Sorry for me Englisch :oops:

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