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Everything posted by Mike

  1. We're not using it in MTA Hence the "Other GTA Mods" section
  2. Good to hear you got it working dude, just checking out your vid Edit: lol..
  3. Fixed a few bugs: They don't start spawning loading when you switch radio They will dissappear like any other cars, so they won't stop traffic if you spawn too many. Link updated in first post
  4. Mike


    I assume this is for Server Patch 1? You're missing the mtaserver.conf file. You need to get the full server package, and then replace the files with those included in the server patch.
  5. Try this: Go to you Vice City directory and delete "mtaerrorreporter.asi" and "scm_vice.ini"
  6. It spawns it northeast of the player (X+5 and Y+5) And yeah, the fireworks are good, i used "bigbang" on this little pile:
  7. I've been messing around with Spookie's scm hook, mainly just to learn, and made this neat PCJ Spawner Grab it here Info Just extract to your Vice City root directory and start up, tap the action button (usually TAB) to spawn a PCJ nearby. Notes If you spawn too many, the traffic will stop (and if you spawn too too many, you will crash). If you do spawn too many, just drive away from the area and they'll disappear. Enjoy P.S: If anyone wants the source to mess about with, let me know Edit: Fixed the link
  8. You moved to France? P.S: Enjoy your exams Oli, good luck
  9. Mike

    Start Game Error

    This can be a problem due to the server, if you get too many messages during a short period of time (usually as you join) then you'll get this error. It usually happens when they have too many scripts that PM you as you join, try other servers - or talk to the person that runs that server.
  10. no... he asks how does mta find stuff in the task manager, to implent in his own program hes making no... he asks how to hide your program from other programs accessing it
  11. Your problem is likely to be with the no-cd crack, either use the CD or if you insist on using the no-cd, try other ones from different places.
  12. Once you've done that, your PC won't restart, but you will still get an error from MTA. Could you give us some more info please? Operating system + system specs? GTA3 or Vice City? v1.0 or v1.1? No-cd crack?
  13. Mike

    Server crash

    It probably hasn't got the server patch, so it's affected by the memory leak problem. Solution: Get server patch 1.
  14. Mike

    MTA:MA Scripting

    /help token identifiers
  15. Heh, you're arguing with 41 other people who were on the channel who saw that, infact, you did say what i quoted. Good luck
  16. Mike

    MTA:MA Scripting

    General RPG Stuff I see people asking for this kind of stuff quite a bit right now, so here you go Use it however you want, enjoy. on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($mta.admin+($1) == $true) { if (!cop* iswm $3) { var %a = 0,%b = $null while (%a <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if (Cop* iswm $mta.skin($1,%a).name) { var %b = $+(%b,$mta.name($1,%a),$chr(32)) } inc %a } mta.say $1 Cops: $iif(%b,%b,None) } elseif (!suspect == $3) { if (Cop* iswm $mta.skin($1,$2).name) { if ($mta.getid($1,$4) != -1) { set $+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1) $addtok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),$mta.name($1,$mta.findid($1,$4)),32) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$mta.findid($1,$4)) has been added to the wanted list. Reason: $iif($5,$5,None) } else mta.say $1 Invalid ID/Name } else mta.msg $1 $2 Sorry, you are not a cop. } elseif (!wanted == $3) { if ($numtok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),32) > 9) { mta.say $1 Wanted players: $iif($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),$+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),None) } elseif ($numtok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),32) > 19) { mta.say $1 Wanted players: $gettok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),1-8,32) !.timer 1 1 $gettok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),9-18,32) } else { mta.say $1 Wanted players: $gettok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),1-8,32) !.timer 1 1 $gettok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),9-18,32) !.timer 1 2 $gettok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),19-,32) } } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:{ if ($findtok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),$mta.name($1,$2),1,32)) { mta.name $1 $3 Killed a wanted player set $+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1) $remtok($+(%rpg.suspects,.,$1),$mta.name($1,$2),1,32) } } Note: I haven't tested it, so tell me if there's any bugs
  17. A: nah, this isn't the gangs section Q: pie
  18. Here's some more gather results: Also, some more advertisement for Gather Day, a whole day of non-stop gather matches including GTA3 and Vice City with Team Deathmatch and Gangwar gamemodes. Just come along to the IRC Channel - #mta.gather to get started. Just do !commands for info on how to join a gather match More info at the MTA.Gather site
  19. Well done Ransom Edit: <----- Mr701 Edit2: <--- Mr702
  20. Mike

    Banned From IRC?

    Yeah, you're just caught in a subnet (LiX's....)
  21. That was just one version of the scm where the weapon switch code was removed, so it was similar to the glitch in current versions - when you shoot your weapon, you punch on others' screens.
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