using MTAMA? there is a .ini in the mIRC folder if that is so.
That only deletes the entry in the mtama ban-list (which is just visual), it doesn't send the command to the server to actually unban that IP.
Also, i think if your IP is in the ban-list of the server, you also cannot connect to remote admin or mtama.
We are now running GTA3 Team Deathmatch gathers, and will soon be running GTA3 Gangwar gathers.
And when we've sorted out the scripts, and got a server, we will also be running VC Gathers
The gather matches will be starting off in GTA3 due to the server we have, scripts etc.. and should be going sometime this weekend
Vice City will also be starting sometime soon.
Ya just gotta love screwing up the missions for Loendal.
I'll never forget the one where i flew my dodo into the van and blew it up, then proceeded to fly away grinning
Well.. I was driving around the airport and saw a guy trying to bat another guy who was in an unsynced dodo. I decided to run him over but something kinda wierd happened:
Yep, he got knocked through the wall, inside the helipad
Tools of the trade:
Yes he does have SA and he has played it, so have I. The new features however, do not make me want to forget GTA3 and VC - they still rock, i'm definately not bored of them.
Yay, i hope you can balance it.
I'm quite happy with people using it, but as it is at the moment, with its great availability - it is way too overpowered.
That's just a bug in the error reporter, and it's not that that crashes the game - that just reports when crashes happen to the MTA team so they can fix any problems.
alias mtaconnect {
mta.dis $1
mta.con $1
Then do "/timerconnect /mtaconnect "
E.G: "/timerconnect 5 3600 /mtaconnect 2
That'll reconnect the serverID specified for the specified amount of times and delay.