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Everything posted by jhxp

  1. jhxp

    Directx 8.1

    I meant motherboard drivers, ofc =)
  2. jhxp

    Directx 8.1

    1. Update your mobodrivers 2. Update your graphics card drivers 3. Update DirectX to its most recent version (9.0c)
  3. GL with the league =) I might help as a referee, or admin.. you name it
  4. lol wait for the release to see, what this term means to us, qa'ers
  5. yeh, there isnt even a site build on that domain. Such a shame, mta could use it better :\ Metropolitan Talent Agency ? I don't think so j/k
  6. Good to see that you've enjoyed your time
  7. jhxp

    Le Parkour vid

    nice movie '+' for the idea
  8. You're 76 now ! /me runs for his life
  9. You all know the dedicated server now has a console interpreter. Now, I think I forgot to explain what a console interpreter actually is, and I forgot to show you some examples as well The new console interpreter means that you, as a server administrator, can now fully control the server from inside the server itself. Remember the dedicated server from all earlier MTA versions? You just ran it and it worked, but you couldn't do anything inside the server window. With the Blue dedicated server you can type stuff inside the console, perform admin commands (kick, ban, freeze, etc.) and more. I think this interactivity will make the dedicated server more attractive to anyone who wants to run a server. Besides.. the server also comes with a nice status bar on top, fully customizable from the SDK (of course), currently showing you how many players are actually in it, how many maps, etc. Just see for yourself Linux version Windows version
  10. Both are VERY GOOD, though I like gf's one more
  11. We've just released the internal beta 17 to the QA team, which fixes 23 issues in total. Beta 16 had a number of critical issues that have been resolved in beta 17. We are nearing Release Candidate stage, though we know that beta 17 isn't quite there yet - a few outstanding issues surounding the anti-cheat and a memory leak in the map editor have yet to be resolved. Neither should take too long, thankfully. Anyway, if you haven't yet seen our Christmas video that shows off some of the maps that we intend to release with the first version, click here.
  12. Yeah, I know about the http mirrors, in fact, I'm hosting one. I'll poke eAi when he comes back to add them.
  13. We'd just like to wish everyone a very happy christmas. As we're still not quite ready to release MTA, we've made a video, which you can now download from the videos page. Download the video here. Happy Christmas! Update: HTTP downloads are now available - we hope everyone has had a good day!
  14. jhxp


    Locked on request.
  15. hmm.. looks pretty nice good job same goes for Jayster
  16. Sticky-ed it, and added a note about it in calendar
  17. Use 'Attach signature (signatures can be changed in profile)' option, when posting a message. It's turned off in your post above, so we can't see it.
  18. 0.2.2 times.... 'OMG WTF they're sliding on the ground'
  19. jhxp

    black screen

    Do you have 'XFire' app running in background while playing? If so, turning it off may help
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