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Everything posted by Furzy

  1. no, i mean use functions like this to get black bars dxDrawImage guiCreateStaticImage
  2. NEW/CUSTOM WEAPONS This resource allow you to add weapons, you can add new type of weapons, for while its just for rifles that replace M4 V1.0 8 Weapons ( Rifle ) Different sounds. HOW TO USE F2 open panel, you just need to select the weapon. How to add weapons. Open both scripts client and server Add the name of weapon that you want in table {"AUG",4394} > Name, and Object ID that you will replace it Take the skin of weapon put in models folder and in meta.xml The name of dff and txd must be the same of weapon in table ( without space ) in table you can put space. Make the same with the .wav sound. FUNCTION TO EXPORT giveNewWeapon(player,WEAPONAME) --Example. function givewep(player) giveNewWeapon(player,"M4A1") end DOWNLOAD: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18149
  3. Voce pode mudar as propriedades sim. setWeaponProperty
  4. Furzy

    MTA DayZ

    Bone_atttach problem
  5. Voce tem que setar pro cara morrer quando o counter acabar
  6. You dont have characters column in DB or DB is not connected.
  7. Da uma checada no menu_client e survivorSystem_Client
  8. Se for dayz na função playerGetDamageDayz e pedGetDamageDayz
  9. Furzy


    Não sei..., acho que quem posta lá são os adms. Por isso muitos post lá tem (Autor Desconhecido ) poste no site oficial que eles devem pegar e postar lá. ou manda no email deles, face sla https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  10. cancela a key com onClientKey
  11. Nao. zombiehunterpickup55555 = createPickup (2496.112, -1708.369, 1014.742, 3, 1275, 1000 ) setElementDimension ( zombiehunterpickup55555, 1 ) setElementInterior ( zombiehunterpickup55555, 3 ) function zombiehunterskinpickup55555 ( thePlayer ) setPedSkin ( thePlayer, 96 ) setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, teamzombie ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "zombie", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", zombiehunterpickup55555, zombiehunterskinpickup55555 ) addEventHandler ("onPickupUse", getRootElement(), function (playerWhoUses) if (source == zombiehunterpickup55555) then setPlayerNametagText (playerWhoUses, "" .. getPlayerName (playerWhoUses)) setElementData (playerWhoUses, "job", "farm") end end) Voce quer setar o elemento no interior e na dimensario, nao o jogador.
  12. Yes, but its not a problem for me cuz only happen if player is attach to vehicle in movement or if u aim fast with mouse
  13. I tried a lot of ways to fix that, and i didnt get success
  14. why didnt u use bone_attach? its better. for example: weapons = { {"NEWAK",30,2222},--wep,id,object {"NEWM4",31,3333}, } function weaponback(previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID) for k,arma in ipairs(weapons) do local wep = getElementData(source,arma[1]) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) if previousWeaponID == arma[2] then --wep not hand armaobject = createObject(arma[3],x,y,z) -- object created attachElementToBone(armaobject,source,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90)-- here back coords obj attached end if currentWeaponID == arma[2] then --wep hand destroyElement(armaobject) -- destroyed object end end end addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWeaponSwitch', getRootElement ( ), weaponback) idk if it will work is just a example to u understand how to do
  15. No, but you can set the main weapons invisible and replace others weapons model to any object and then attach this object to player hand
  16. Tenta isso local time addEvent( "onServerCallAddSetTimer", true ) addEventHandler( "onServerCallAddSetTimer", localPlayer, function () time = setTimer(function() time = nil removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderTime ) end, 180000, 1) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderTime ) end ) addEvent( "fechar", true ) addEventHandler( "fechar", localPlayer, function () removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderTime ) end) foi mudado o root do event adicionado, para localPlayer e criado um outro evento pra fechar q deve ser inserido no ChecarVidaA() triggerClientEvent("fechar",player)
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