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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Iggy

    GTA2 on 3

    why doesnt the newest site and the gta2o3 forums work?
  2. Iggy

    PWA Kicked Users

    yeh there really is no use for this topic
  3. No, Enter The Matrix sucked
  4. Xenex, he had 2 topics so i planned on locking one and leaving the other open, so i was gonna lock this one, buit must of forgot to press the lock button, but the other one is deleted so i will leave this one open for discussion
  5. damnit thats gross, t2k2 sent me that naked picture of him once, that was some sick shit
  6. damnit i forgot to lock it well ill remember next time
  7. i was never new! ive always been better then everyone in every way possible
  8. Dude why must u make 2 topics? do u think were blind or something? Locked
  9. Iggy

    Goths United

    Keva Exited ... TheGreatVirus Entered ur keva then?
  10. They should be almost done with mta .3.5 so shut ur mouth, they work very hard on this stuff, if ur just gonna complain dont say anything or make a better mod urself
  12. Iggy

    GTA2 on 3

    Oh my god your alive! u can add em to the team members section, my nicks Iggy on moddb
  13. ATTENTION VCP MEMBERS theres a match next weekend at 20:56:40 Sat Oct 25 2003 GMT psot in our "VCP Lounge" if u can be there, hope u can make it, we also would like backups cause usally ouor ppl who said theyd come dont, so hope u guys can making, im giving u a full weeks notice
  14. r u sure u dont want to 1337 h4x our pcs and put viruses in them?
  15. Iggy

    Goths United

    Why do u have RIP: Keva 14/10/2003 in ur name?
  16. Iggy


    stop spamming u morons
  17. yah if u get what we mean ransom
  18. lol he pronounced IJs "IGS" he must of been talking about me
  19. Iggy


    No, i have to say no because i dont want to lose this match and want to be there, im gonna post pone it to next weekend
  20. i havnt seen the new one but it looks alot better, im about to try it out
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