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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. THE RMO FAMILY STILL LIVES? i thought this gang was dead!
  2. cant u learn how to be orginized and not say thats its gonna be in 8 hours (ive4 been gone all day) we should at least get a 2 days to know
  3. Iggy


    well ar gang doesnt even have idiots how dare mention the word "trainer"
  4. Iggy


    what r u talking about?
  5. Iggy


    well im hungry pig bacon
  6. Iggy


    this is sad..... i reallly like vcmm...good thing ihave like every1 of its good mods still downloaded
  7. What's f*cked about having the gang HQ's for every gang listed incontrovertibly? Seems like a fantastically useful method to end possible arguments to me. howabout a can of shut the hell up!
  8. spam in the Blast thread
  9. now why is this topic up here? its old.................
  10. Iggy

    Scary Games

    im not füçkëd up
  11. the one with the hole?
  12. Iggy


    Silly Rabit, Trix are for kids!
  13. ahaha ok you whole team against 5 of my team members..hehe..when shall the match be?
  14. what about it is dutch?
  15. Iggy

    Music Player ??

    well i got it off e-bay for 120$ anyway
  16. yeh we are...any gang thats not full of n00bs is special
  17. im getting sick of the all these VCP copycats
  18. Iggy

    Music Player ??

    on the road i use my 350$ riovolt sp350
  19. ahaha the most 1337 desktop ever! http://www.geocities.com/iggy248/my1337desktop.jpg there u go, u have now seen my desktop edited by [MV]Alex3305 due resolution problems..
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