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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Well now your just a dirty slut
  2. i think its about 5-7 kbs - max
  3. also a comment on #3 it would not be any fun if u didnt know where anyone is
  4. Iggy

    New Mini League

    no, because the mta community has turned into a bunch of bitching pussies, we have to play
  5. my ass they are 1. better guns 2. sweeter cars 3. kick ass WHILE looking cool
  6. lol i was taking advantage of my mod status and phucking around with it and investigated BTW- he has 3 total messages hehe
  7. he is telling the truth i was on the server with him as u can see by looking in the chat box ^^ but of couse it was just coincidence the score was there, GF was taking the screen for the ass shot
  8. ur pics arnt any good if ur such a n00b u dont know how to post pics off the internet
  9. WTF? lars has crazy pics for you and that means?
  10. wtf? its not like anybodys mad, its just funny, what ur problem?
  11. ahaa lmao,i looked at "SM Gulag"'s ip on the mta forums, and theres 2 users from that ip, the other user "TerribleOne" has 3 posts, one of the posts is from a forums from Gulag named "Check out the SM stunt reel." and the user from the same IP as his (gulags) says: "Dude I loved the vid. The one stunt when you were inside the blown out construction building was sooooo ill. How did you manage to land the way you did. Then you pulled another spin as you came off the building. Great job. I love the music to, but hey that is a category that can't be won due to different tastes. I give it a 10/10. :D" hehe so what im trying to say is gulag made another account so he could complement his own video! hehehe
  12. it doesnt matter, the mod manager is dead, they couldnt afford the server and quit on it
  13. if they dont it seems like there really setting the relesase date eatly for a whole new engine
  14. Iggy

    A quick note to gangs

    we will see that when were in-game
  15. no way thats gonna happen dude, mta will not support using mods or etc. pick a real location thats already there on the map
  16. yeh i had to reinstall my whole vc to use mta .2 =/
  17. uh, welcome, i hope u guys last!
  18. lol u spammer double post! well yeh its been here forever (almost a year) and ive been here since it started (look at my date that i joined on)
  19. Iggy


    consider this, if u had 96 peds syched and walking around with a server that is full and has 32 players, thats the same as have 128 players on the serv! now thats alot of coding to do and it will prevent major lag unless they take there time and do this right. im thinking it may start its beta phases in around .4 to .5
  20. you get a "Sorry but only moderators can post topics in this forum"
  21. Iggy

    New Mini League

    cool, it will nice to see pig in this league
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