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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Tut

    help error CD48

    Hey @sexpres This error only means you're getting kicked from the server that you're connecting to. If you disable your autoclicker and restart MTA you'll be good to go
  2. Tut

    deer MTA help me

    Hey @zengamer2009, the images you are trying to attach here don't work as they just the local file paths to your images. If you click the Other Media button in the lower right of the post editor you'll have an option to upload an attachment, or alternatively upload to an image hosting site such as https://imgur.com/ and paste the image link here.
  3. Hi. The section you were viewing is correct, and the 'Ask a question' can be a bit confusing - when you click that make sure to fill in the template that we provide in https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/195-discord-ban-appeals/
  4. Hi As you indicated it could be the Fishing Planet injector that was still present in your system. If we detected an injector running it would usually result in a KICK or BAN - best to make sure no cheats are running or have been - you can do this by checking task manager or alternatively restarting your device and making sure the cheats don't activate on device startup. The ban was temporary and only lasted 1 hour
  5. Hello, you were banned from MTA for cheating - this ban expires June 15 at 15:36 UTC
  6. Hi, MTA does not have authority over bans issued by servers or forked clients - you should instead appeal the ban with those
  7. Welcome to the forums. Your thread's been moved into the support section
  8. I think we have made ourselves clear in previous appeals. Creating multiple forum accounts to flood us with appeals is also not the way to go
  9. Hi, MTA is not able to help with bans for forked clients or servers
  10. I have removed the contents of your post as they contain sensitive information.
  11. Hi. The ban for cheating on MTA is correct and expires June 6 at 14:58 UTC
  12. Hi. Your other thread in Portuguese forum section is better suited there. I'll go ahead and lock this one up. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/135977-como-faço-um-script-de-bloqueio/
  13. Hi. The ban is correct but I'm happy to let you know it expires June 8 at 10 AM UTC
  14. Hi, we do have some server protection tools available - I can take a closer look if you PM me your server IP address, its full name, and the date it was created
  15. Hi. We are not removing this ban. I'm sorry it's not the news you were looking for.
  16. The ban is correct and expires June 3, 09:15 UTC
  17. I have closed this one as you have an existing unresolved appeal at https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/136055-im-banned-for-vm-type-security-violation-serial-change-help/
  18. The ban for using cheats with MTA expired May 31
  19. Hey @Max_Morello, @German_LIsov, @whythirt3en AC team has looked into this and says you should now be good to play. We're sorry for any inconvenience this caused you
  20. Hey @44Danya44 I have closed this appeal as you have an existing unresolved appeal at https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/135998-сd-46-ac4/
  21. Your serial was banned for playing with cheats, but this ban has now expired so you should be good to play
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