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Everything posted by JeViCo

  1. Поменяй это <script src="sounds/kill.mp3" /> На это <file src="sounds/kill.mp3" /> И сделай еще как @K1parik сказал, тогда всё заработает
  2. Никто так и не ответил полноценно Держи: addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), function() local skin = getElementModel(source) -- спавним игрока с этим же скином (тут уже редактируй на своё усмотрение) local x, y, z = 0, 0, 2 -- координаты local rot = 0 -- вращение spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, rot, skin) end)
  3. Вам невероятно поможет эта страница: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page Если возникают какие-либо вопросы, советую задавать их на англоязычном разделе форума по скриптингу. Чем легче задача, тем быстрее вам ответят (даже через 2-3 минуты)
  4. Автор был близок к истине с оптимизированным кодом. Убрал ненужную функцию и добавил проверку на мышь, дабы не было потом дополнительных проблем. Моя версия: function atmGUI() atmGUIMain = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, screenx, screeny, "atm.png", false) exitGUIbtn = guiCreateStaticImage(screenx/1.1955, screeny/1.367, screenx/20.5, screeny/17, "button.png", false, atmGUIMain) showCursor(true) end addEvent("drawATMgui", true) addEventHandler("drawATMgui", localPlayer,atmGUI) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function(bt, st) if bt == "left" and st == "up" then -- проверка на кнопку if source == exitGUIbtn then destroyElement(atmGUIMain) showCursor(false) end end )
  5. Кодом, а не картинкой можно было? Значение переменной scrollMax равно 0, поэтому ничего не меняется
  6. Со слов в самом начале поста: поменяй local px,py = 1680,1050 на local px,py = 1440,900 ИЛИ заменить dxDrawText ( "km/h",x*956,y*567,x*0,y*0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontScale*2,font1,"left","center",false,false,false) На dxDrawText ( "km/h",x*956,y*567,x*0,y*0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontScale*2,font1,"right","center",false,false,false) и немного подбора координат тут (значения сделать поменьше) x*956
  7. сразу после создания состава прописывай setElementData к каждому из заспавненных поездов, вагонов (обязательно со стороны клиента). Потом для удаления, циклом проходишь через все авто проверяя на наличие этой даты.
  8. Yeah, you right. I added render target as texture so it changes automatically p.s. sorry for causing offtopic
  9. You can do lots of interesting stuff with it (It's not an advertisement. Really). Example:
  10. I think you can't. Like adding new objects it's impossible. For now. Anyway people represent moving objects with onClientRender/setTimer + setElementPosition; Moving/changing object textures with onClientRender/setTimer + dxSetShaderValue. Better then nothing i guess
  11. Hello everyone. I'm not english-speaking so i have a little problem with finding images placed on cars' surface. How does it called? Stickers/decals/images? I can't find any transparent ones :с Also could you give me at least 1 link with that?
  12. JeViCo

    teaDecode help

    after 1 hour of rewriting i got what i needed. I tried to compile file while resource was running. I didn't realise that)
  13. JeViCo

    teaDecode help

    i want to save original dff files so i made download="false". I create new file with path where i indicated download="false". I compile and save file on first startup. Also i load uncompiled data so everything ok. On the second startup i have already compiled files so i'm trying to load them. I get it's size, read it and try to use with engineLoadTXD but it returns errors like wrong path every time so i can't load data
  14. Hello everyone! I tried to use teaEncode with dff models. I used fileRead function to read and decode files back but it caused error. Any suggestions?
  15. solved my problem using buffer. Thanks everyone anyway
  16. engineLoadTXD ( "myTxd.txd" ) error loading myTxd.txd and that's it. i added to meta.xml txd file. Client can't find this file so it gives errors.
  17. it doesn't work. I can't believe that editing meta.xml ingame is impossible\
  18. everything is server-side so i can't just re-write original .dff or .txd file. I just want to add new one. I tried but it don't work for me :с
  19. Oh, you get it. Well, my system creates compiled file. I can't use it because it isn't in meta.xml. Also it gets different password each time(deletes old file and creates new one) so i want to update changes directly somehow
  20. Hello everyone! Is it possible to add/remove something? For example i have ~20 .txd and .dff models and i want to add them with script (not software) automatically
  21. Hello everyone! I'm making color picker with dx functions. How can i get pixel color under mouse cursor? I tried to use render targets but it always returns 0,0,0 (rgb). I don't know how to get screen pixels without losing performance (onClientRender). I'm making everything with DGS library so it gives additional troubles. Any suggestions?
  22. Thank you so much) You helped me a lot
  23. Hello everyone! I have a simple shader: texture Tex0; technique paint { pass P0 { Texture[0] = Tex0; } } For example i have several images on 1 texture but background is black (even with transparent render target). How can i fix it? I want to replace black background with another texture
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