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Everything posted by JeViCo
+ onPlayerLogin event + set/getElementData @Samking
function wczytaj() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "models/ak47.txd" ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/ak47.dff" ) --outputChatBox ( "wczytano podmianki" ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, wczytaj ) function podmiankibronki () local bronka = getPlayerWeapon ( localPlayer ) if(getElementData(localPlayer,"currentweapon_1") == "AK47" and bronka == 31) then engineImportTXD ( txd, 356 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 356 ) outputChatBox ( "wczytano ak47" ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, podmiankibronki ) @IStarkI
it's a shared function. The main difference between server and client: server contains player variable. client-side example: bindKey("g","down",function() -- your function here end) -- "g" - key to press -- "down" - key pressed ("up" if key released) server-side example: addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),function() bindKey(source,"g","down",function() -- your function here end) end) -- source - player variable in this event -- "g" - key to press -- "down" - key pressed ("up" if key released) @MRThinker
Hello! I'm trying to make the player rotate +-30° in both directions with onClientCursorMove event something like this -- aX is an absolute position of cursor in this event local w, h = guiGetScreenSize() aX = aX - w / 2 local h_rot = rz+aX/2 -- aX/2 - make rotation smoother if h_rot >= 360 then h_rot = h_rot - 360 elseif h_rot < 0 then h_rot = 360 + h_rot end --local crot_l = sh.camrot - 30 --local crot_r = sh.camrot + 30 --print("h_rot: "..math.floor(h_rot)..", crot: "..math.floor(crot)) --if h_rot >= crot_l and h_rot <= crot_r then setElementRotation(localPlayer,0,0,h_rot) --end
(I guess i understood you) You can use createColSphere function server-side, attach colSphere to vehicle. After that, use onVehicleExplode event + isElementWithinColShape function to kill players nearby a car @KINGKHAN that's even better :3
1. onClientPedDamage (2-nd parameter). cancelEvent() will disable damage 2. element data . You can store it into database by using triggerServerEvent triggerServerEvent("your_event_name",localPlayer,getElementData(localPlayer,"name") ) 3. I can't undestand this question a little bit. @wlasser
I highly recommend you to use sqlite/mysql database to save everything. Anyway, if you use xml, you should create child with player's account name and store information such as drift points with xmlNodeSetAttribute @Pedro001
Those animations are visible only when ped's muscle stat has 1000 value. You can change this stat only when you're using CJ skin.
yes. If you can find similar player animations, you can avoid skin change
Look. Player is standing, running, crouching. Muscular and normal animations are almost same but their nameы differ. I can't find normal ones in ped category. It might help you too (sorry if you can't understand me )
uhh i know. Same problem. I asked for animation names earlier but i didn't get any good replies. I also tried to look for it on GTA forums :\
replace it, change skin to CJ and paste setPedStat(localPlayer,23,1000) (it is client-side now but you can make it server-side anytime)
it won't affect on animation now. Download this animation and replace with original. I downloaded them from another video
it isn't a walking style. muscular.ifp provides it. Replace this ifp + CJ skin + setPedStat (23-rd stat) + value 1000 and you'll get that animations @Dretax
local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) function centerGUI ( guiElement ) local width, height = guiGetSize ( guiElement, false ) local x, y = ( sx / 2 - width / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - height / 2 ) guiSetPosition ( guiElement, x, y, false ) end function showHide() if isElement(wind) then destroyElement(wind) showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),buttonClick) end end addEventHandler("showHide",getLocalPlayer(),showHide) function showGUI (event) wind = guiCreateWindow(423, 331, 523, 367, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) showCursor(true) centerGUI(wind) -- tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(11, 109, 502, 241, false, wind) bt_close = guiCreateButton(5, 5, 153, 42, "Закрыть", false, wind) local memo = guiCreateMemo(11, 109, 502, 241,event['description'],false,wind) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo, true) bt_accept = guiCreateButton(5, 55, 153, 42, "Принять", false, wind) eventButton = event addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),buttonClick) end addEvent("showEventGUI", true) addEventHandler( "showEventGUI", localPlayer, showGUI ) function buttonClick(bt, st) if bt == "left" and st == "down" then if source == bt_close then showHide() elseif source == bt_accept then -- triggerServerEvent("startEvent") --function startEvent(eventId, player) triggerServerEvent("startEvent",resourceRoot, localPlayer, eventButton['id']) -- there is event_id? showHide() end end end i made a little edit. Now it should work properly @wlasser
Tieing function to onMarkerHit results in looping teleport
JeViCo replied to Sorata_Kanda's topic in Scripting
I guess i understood you. Use cylinder marker type (most common). You can also test range with onMarkerLeave -
local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) function centerGUI ( guiElement ) local width, height = guiGetSize ( guiElement, false ) local x, y = ( sx / 2 - width / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - height / 2 ) guiSetPosition ( guiElement, x, y, false ) end function showHide() if guiGetVisible(wind) then guiSetVisible(wind,false) showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),buttonClick) elseif guiGetVisible(wind) == false then guiSetVisible(wind,true) showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),buttonClick) end end addEventHandler("showHide",getLocalPlayer(),showHide) function showGUI (event) wind = guiCreateWindow(423, 331, 523, 367, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wind, false) showCursor(true) centerGUI(wind) -- tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(11, 109, 502, 241, false, wind) bt_close = guiCreateButton(5, 5, 153, 42, "Закрыть", false, wind) local memo = guiCreateMemo(11, 109, 502, 241,event['description'],false,wind) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo, true) bt_accept = guiCreateButton(5, 55, 153, 42, "Принять", false, wind) eventButton = event end addEvent("showEventGUI", true) addEventHandler( "showEventGUI", localPlayer, showGUI ) function buttonClick(bt, st) if bt == "left" and st == "down" then if source == bt_close then showHide() elseif source == bt_accept then -- triggerServerEvent("startEvent") --function startEvent(eventId, player) triggerServerEvent("startEvent",resourceRoot, localPlayer, eventButton['id']) -- there is event_id? showHide() end end end @wlasser
saving with in-game id is a bad idea. Try getAccountID to get id of referal account and getAccountByID to give this guy a reward @Mσнαмα∂ Hєℓιѕн
function enterVehicle (player, seat) if getElementModel(source) == 412 and seat == 0 then local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (player)) if not isPlayerInGroup (player, "VIP") then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "you must be VIP to use this vehicle", player) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) --------- addCommandHandler( 'givemoney', function( source,_,player,amount ) if amount then if isPlayerInGroup(source,"Admin") then local find = findPlayer( player ) if find then if amount then -- If player type amount ( full command /givemoney [nickname][amount] ) givePlayerMoney( find,tonumber( amount ) ) -- give money for player outputChatBox( '[givemoney]:You transfer $'..amount..' to '..getPlayerName( find ),source,255,0,0 ) else -- player not type full command ( /givemoney [nickname][amount] ) outputChatBox( '[givemoney]:/givemoney [playername][amount]!',source,255,0,0 ) end else outputChatBox( '[givemoney]:Player not found!',source,255,0,0 ) end end else if isPlayerInGroup (source, "VIP") then giveCash (source) else outputChatBox ("You must be VIP to use this command.", source,255,0, 0,true) end end end ) -- useful functions function findPlayer(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end function isPlayerInGroup (player, group) local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if playerAccount then local accName = getAccountName ( playerAccount ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then return true end end return false end @Samking
@SSKE you can replace banPlayer function with setAccountData at admin-panel resource. But you have to check getAccountData and show your GUI window instead of login panel to prevent bug abusing
Tieing function to onMarkerHit results in looping teleport
JeViCo replied to Sorata_Kanda's topic in Scripting
as i said you teleport to the next marker and hit it even if you nearby so it causes a loop -- Table of spawn location when entering/leaving Burger Shot local burgershotSpawn = { enter = { x = 364.4189453125, y = -74.154296875, z = 1001.5078125, rot = 313.42001342773 }, exit = { x = -2334.7392578125, y = -166.7958984375, z = 35.5546875, rot = 221.95193481445 } } --Entry/Exit marker grabbed from .map file local burgershotEnter = getElementByID("burgershotEnter") local burgershotExit = getElementByID("burgershotExit") -- i created markers to test it --[[ local ent = burgershotSpawn.enter local exi = burgershotSpawn.exit local burgershotEnter = createMarker(exi.x,exi.y,exi.z,"cylinder",1) local burgershotExit = createMarker(ent.x,ent.y,ent.z,"cylinder",1) setElementInterior(burgershotExit,10) --]] -- Debug stuff whether coordinates of entry/exit markers are the same as defined in .map (which in this case, it is) local enterPosX, enterPosY, enterPosZ = getElementPosition(burgershotEnter) local exitPosX, exitPosY, exitPosZ = getElementPosition(burgershotExit) outputChatBox ( "Enter: " .. tostring(burgershotEnter) .. " " .. enterPosX .. ", " .. enterPosY .. ", " .. enterPosZ ) outputChatBox ( "Exit: " .. tostring(burgershotExit) .. " " .. exitPosX .. ", " .. exitPosY .. ", " .. exitPosZ ) --------------------------------------- function burgershotEnterHit( player ) if not getElementData(player,"player:denyMarker") then -- can player interact with marker or not outputChatBox("Welcome to Burger Shot! If you want to order something, click on the ped.") setElementInterior( player, 10, burgershotSpawn["enter"]["x"], burgershotSpawn["enter"]["y"], burgershotSpawn["enter"]["z"]) --setPlayerRotation( burgershotSpawn["enter"]["rot"] ) setElementData(player,"player:denyMarker",true) -- disable that loop setTimer(removeElementData,2000,1,player,"player:denyMarker") -- return ability to interact with markers ( 2 seconds delay) end end function burgershotExitHit( player ) if not getElementData(player,"player:denyMarker") then -- can player interact with marker or not outputChatBox("Thanks for visiting Burger Shot! Come again soon!") setElementInterior( player, 0, burgershotSpawn["exit"]["x"], burgershotSpawn["exit"]["y"], burgershotSpawn["exit"]["z"]) --setPlayerRotation( burgershotSpawn["exit"]["rot"] ) setElementData(player,"player:denyMarker",true) -- disable that loop setTimer(removeElementData,2000,1,player,"player:denyMarker") -- return ability to interact with markers end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", burgershotEnter, burgershotEnterHit ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", burgershotExit, burgershotExitHit ) @Sorata_Kanda -
wtf =D those answers... @#_iMr,[E]coo use dxDrawImageSection + mask shader ( link ) <- radar to draw radar areas use dxDrawCircle. To make circle areas use createColCircle <- radar areas
could you explain more? What problems do you have in your code?