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Everything posted by JeViCo

  1. Hello everyone! What happens to player when i use setElementDimension client-side? The player teleports to another dimension on his screen. Does that player still visible for others or not? If yes - can other players interact run over/interact in general with him?
  2. this guy asked for removing player from faction. If i set a nil value - it will return false anyway
  3. I guess you're in wrong section buddy)
  4. it works only with scripts ok i understand now Maybe. But i'm not sure that people can use it several times. Even if i download it again, someone'll steal it while menu is open. Also i think that people'll not able to interact with html if it doesn't exists(tried with fileDelete)
  5. Hello everyone. Is it possible?
  6. What you're going to sale and how much does it cost? @CodyJ(L)
  7. it's really hard to replace object especially when you use all interiors. Also you can't add new objects because there are ~20 unused objects. If you have more than ~20 custom objects you have to refuse your plans instantly
  8. Hello community! I have a little question - How can i call another person on forum with @ if his nickname contains specific symbols?
  9. i checked and everying working. Something wrong with your faction name (replace "with F.B.I or rewrite script a little bit if you want to give access for several factions") OR You have a teams instead of elementData
  10. you can hide default crosshair, make zoom effect with setCameraMatrix and draw dx image or create object in front of you while aim
  11. fixed i guess local policeVehicles = { {597, 1645.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {597, 1641.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {597, 1637.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {597, 1633.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {597, 1629.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {597, 1625.125, -1367.453125, 17.443872451782}, {447, 1680.181640625, -1418.8740234375, 85.044067382813}, {447, 1680.181640625, -1400.8740234375, 85.044067382813}, {447, 1680.181640625, -1382.8740234375, 85.044067382813}, } local police = "Police" addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() for _, v in ipairs(policeVehicles) do local veh = createVehicle(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4]) -- spawn a car setElementData(veh,"carFaction",police) -- set car's faction end end) function vh ( player, seat ) if seat == 0 then -- allow to sit only next to the driver if getElementData(source,"carFaction") == police then -- check car if getElementData(player,"faction") ~= police then -- check player cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "#ffff00Shoma Dar Faction F.B.I Nistid!", player,240,155,15,true) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), vh )
  12. script contains errors now i guess. You didn't add rotation of vehicles in policeVehicles table before }, replace createVehicle(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],0,0,v[5]) with createVehicle(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4])
  13. Hello again removeElementData example: removeElementData(player,"faction") OR setElementData(player,"faction",nil) @Mσнαмα∂ Hєℓιѕн
  14. i think this guy gave us enough information @liwahadri you should learn more because your second function is totally wrong Anyway, click here and have fun
  15. ok, i understand now) Replace this part if seat ~=1 then with this if seat == 0 then
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