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Everything posted by JeViCo

  1. maybe this? bindKey ( source, "k", "down", doToggleLights, false )
  2. this also can determine your event: function respFunction(res, evname, evsource, evcl, file, line) if res == getThisResource() then -- check resource print("found!") end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() addDebugHook("preEvent",fix,{"onPlayerCommand"}) end) you can also attach it to file name and line in your script https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AddDebugHook
  3. 1. Create render target. 2. using getSoundFFTData draw several vertical lines 3. apply texreplace shader to vehicle 4. use render target as texture in dxSetShaderValue 5. find a perfect position for texture
  4. this is example from resource page: ped = createPed(105,0,0,3) burger = createObject(2880,0,0,0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(burger,ped,12,0,0,0,0,-90,0) try to change bone id: 11 -> 12 and change position + rotation of object
  5. Expected string at argument 1, got boolean means that textureString = nil and modelString = nil (no data found) attempt to index local 'textures' (a number value) means that textures variable is a number but textures[i+1] means that textures variable have to be a table - different variable types.
  6. Praise the server! It helped me out a lot. Thank you :3
  7. pay money but synced for each player( job script )
  8. Hello everyone! I think i'm missing something but i can't find it client-side: setTimer(function() veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if veh then paymultiplier = 2 speed = tonumber(getElementSpeed(veh,"km/h")) --if speed < 0 then speed = -speed end triggerServerEvent("payMoney",localPlayer,(paymultiplier*speed)) --givePlayerMoney(paymultiplier*speed) end end,1000,0) server-side: function pay(val) givePlayerMoney(source,val) end addEvent("payMoney",true) addEventHandler("payMoney",getRootElement(),pay) Nothing happens server-side. I checked the source: only i see a message with outputChatBox and val is a random number - everything perfect, but still i don't get money. What i'm doing wrong?
  9. Hello community! Imagine that the player pressed F or ENTER button and his character(ped) is running towards the nearest vehicle. Then the player press WASD - any of this buttons and the ped stops. What is the name of this task? ( i need it for getPedTask function)
  10. Sounds good. I don't know why i missed this moment. Thank you
  11. Hello everyone! How can i make vehicles not turning headlights each 20:35 world time?
  12. I was waiting exactly for this answer - accessable and undertandable! Thank you! No more questions.
  13. yeah and this guy too - less than half of year ago
  14. Hello everyone! Why getServerIp() returns even on dedicated server?
  15. Why this user can edit his messages then? (
  16. that's even better! Thank you
  17. Hello community! Why this part of code doesn't work? getBlipIcon(blip) == (32 or 35) then i really don't want to write getBlipIcon(blip) == 32 or getBlipIcon(blip) == 35 then each time (((
  18. JeViCo

    XML problem

    yeah, that was so stupid Thank you both
  19. yeah, i missed arguments at the end of function. I have already fixed it but thanks anyway
  20. Hello everyone! Is that possible to rotate render targets in 3d axis on player's screen?
  21. i did'n know about that. Thanks!
  22. Hello everyone! Is that possible to edit my messages in topic or even remove the topic?
  23. variable player_ lose it's value in timer or i'm doing something wrong
  24. timers[player_] = setTimer( -- player_ is not nil function() type_ = getElementData(player_,"CreditType") -- player_ becomes nil here if type_ == "house" then I think that's better explanation. p.s. everything is server-side
  25. Thank you so much! I also combined it with setDistanceSpread function and got exactly what i wanted. Thank you again!
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