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Everything posted by msyyn

  1. That's what I did, but was wondering if anyone has made one like this
  2. Does anyone know if there exists a snowball script, similar to shown in the video?
  3. local messages = { "Visit our website at www.google.com!", "Did you know? These messages are automated!", "Add another message here!" } local prefix = "[INFO] #FFFFFF" -- message prefix local interval = 5 -- time between messages (minutes) function outputRandomMessage() local msg = messages[math.random(#messages)] outputChatBox(prefix .. msg, root, 3, 169, 244, true) end setTimer(outputRandomMessage, interval * 60 * 1000, 0) Output looks like: [INFO] Did you know? These messages are automated! Are you looking for something like this? Or what do you mean by words loop.
  4. That price doesn't cover even the designing part
  5. How to disable Open mtaserver.conf and find <auth_serial_groups> and change to below <auth_serial_groups></auth_serial_groups> Note: Authorized Serial Account Protection helps prevent your server from getting hacked. If there is a chance any of your admins are using the same password on other servers, then do not disable this feature. It literally says it on the link you just posted
  6. msyyn

    Health & Armor

    I will send you one in PM.
  7. Line 69 and 70 is missing account for argument 1? Check the code ..
  8. /debugscript 3 ingame. What does it say?
  9. msyyn

    Health & Armor

    I think he is looking for custom nametags resource.
  10. function openP() local guiState = guiGetVisible(aWarpForm) if guiState then guiSetVisible(aWarpForm, false) showCursor(false) elseif not guiState then guiSetVisible(aWarpForm, true) showCursor(true) end end addCommandHandler("panel", openP) You had the command handler inside the function-- start debugging your code and actually read through it. If a code is not working, 90% cases it's a typo / user error. Also use tabs. pls. PS. the code has other issues aswell
  11. He literally said what you have to do Add the first code snippet to a server lua file and the 2nd one to scoreboard's client-side file.
  12. if attacker ~= source then ... You could try this to prevent it ending when you kill yourself. Also, why are you counting length of table like this? You can do simply this: local item = itens[math.random(#itens)][1] The code has few other issues as well, check your scopes
  13. msyyn

    Police system

  14. msyyn

    dx list

    What does the debug console say? Try defining variable valoda before the loop (e.g. local valoda = "") Make sure that dxDraw doesn't clip the text. EDIT: local valoda = "" for i = 1, 3 do local lang = getElementData(localPlayer, "languages.lang" .. i) if lang and lang ~= 0 then local skill = getElementData(localPlayer, "languages.lang" .. i .. "skill") local langname = exports['language-system']:getLanguageName(lang) if langname then valoda = valoda .. "\n - "..langname.."("..skill.."%)" end end end -- and dxDrawText("Valodas: "..valoda, screenW * 0.2161, screenH * 0.4981, screenW * 0.4130, screenH * 0.5574, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, true, false, false, false)
  15. msyyn

    dx list

    valoda = valoda .. "\n - "..langname.."("..skill.."%)" You're overwriting the valoda variable each time it loops, so you need to include the previous content of the variable to show all the languages.
  16. Would be interesting to see how the design of it is. Making dxLib that's clean (design wise) and yet powerful performance wise is welcome
  17. msyyn

    Spike system

    Make sure to also store the spikes somewhere so you can delete them when player quits / dies so there won't be 1000 spikes laying around the map
  18. msyyn


    Read what IIYAMA said he has solution to figure out where your code went wrong Your fault if you don't read
  19. This is correct, the visibility range only affects radar indeed, so all blips are still visible on full map.
  20. That's like trying to ride a bike without wheels. Not gonna work
  21. You can use this to get position in front etc. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementMatrix function getPositionFromElementOffset(element,offX,offY,offZ) local m = getElementMatrix ( element ) -- Get the matrix local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1] -- Apply transform local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2] local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3] return x, y, z -- Return the transformed point end -- Get the position of a point 3 units to the right of the element: x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(element,3,0,0) -- Get the position of a point 2 units in front of the element: x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(element,0,2,0) -- Get the position of a point 1 unit above the element: x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(element,0,0,1)
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