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Everything posted by J4cobLIVEmain

  1. Hey there, I'm not currently playing MTA, but I decided to launch a server with all of the singleplayer GTA:SA Race maps (that are available on the Race Tournaments). You can check it out, and drive those also with original FPS enabled, that also means with the original car handling! So whoever wants to try the SP maps out without traffic and for toptime battles, you are here in the right place! Shout out to the user robot123 (admin of Joshimuz's speedrun server) for providing me with these amazing 1-to-1 recreations! FPS server: 30 Slots: 100 It will be running for some time. Add the IP to the bookmarks and check in from time to time if you want to. I might turn it off sometimes just because it's running on lemmehost. If you'll like it, thank you! And hey, you can write here under comments at which time you can join in so I can keep the server running! mtasa://
  2. Same script, but for example gangwar servers would be pretty popular and highly downloaded. Looks neat.
  3. Updates causing some weird things rn. Report it on GitHub better. I did managed to report a Map Editor problem that caused total corruption of the editor and it got fixed. I think this forum is largely inactive, only players from time to time come here to solve some script solutions but other than that, nobody cares (when it comes to server advertisements, etc)
  4. I got a msg. Try updating MTA:SA to nightly build. One admin from a server told me.
  5. I did report it on GitHub and even Dutchman responded. Hope there will be an update.
  6. UPDATE: Again, out of nowhere it shows this: [17:23:18] WARNING: editor_main\server\mapsettingssync.lua:158: The resource isn't active [17:23:18] ERROR: editor_main\server\mapsettingssync.lua:159: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got boolean) [17:23:24] WARNING: editor_main\server\mapsettingssync.lua:158: The resource isn't active ?????????????????????
  7. Hey there! So today I noticed a very strange bug. Yesterday everything was working fine with the editor, and i made few maps yesterday too. I come in today to the Editor and make a map, first thing that's off is that when i set gamemode Race and put checkpoints - arrow from the checkpoints dissapeared but i said: OK, let's move on. I did 22 checkpoints and then tried to test the map - and it only counted 2 checkpoints so i needed to re-arrange them as nextids to make them work. It only made 8 checkpoints work via nextid, so i restarted the game - and then something weird happened - i couldn't save, load or do a new map anymore because it said that there was some problem with the editor, that save and load function weren't working. It worked again after installing the latest version of MTA. My friend wasn't that lucky because he reinstalled MTA and he has the same problem still. Turns out it's not a problem that's happening only for me - it has happened for my friend also who tried to do a map. I don't know if MTA developers are putting something bts but i also recently noticed that MTA acts strange. Before it launched way quicker and always pooped up prompt that i have asi files bla bla bla pretty fast, now when i start the app its like loading, then app is dissapearing, reopening on its own couple of times (at best 1 time) (without showing any update prompt) and then it finally loads the prompt about ASI so i can skip it and play the game. Something weird is going on.
  8. Hello there guys! I'm wondering how it is possible to make a RUN Race Map. I saw Run maps with racing checkpoints on multigamemode servers like FFS and i'm wondering how it is done. Basically what it is, it's like a parkour race with RACE checkpoints. I did an experimental map and I put deathmatch spawnpoints and race checkpoints and seems like Race recognizes these spawnpoints, but if you play it outside map editor you can't collect the checkpoint because i assume you are not inside the car to collect it? Is there a way to bypass this and to make our character collect checkpoints outside the vehicle? I can attach the map - check it out on my Google Drive. It has deathmatch spawnpoints and race checkpoints. Also i see weird thing because at some places, when you put that deathmatch spawnpoint your character gets below the map for some reason and falls down to the void. I'm looking for a code modification in the RACE gamemode that could possibly enable this to work, or just simple .lua script lines. Thanks in advance if this is even possible Adding to this I want to put it on my friends server to just play some fun RUN maps. Whole server is a race server btw.
  9. Ciekawe jak to jest możliwe - może wyślij zapytanie do Morele, tam gdzie kupowałeś czy nie dostali tego po prostu od kogoś i o rekomendację, jak zmienić serial Zmienianie serialu z tego co wiem, jest nielegalne i możesz globalną banicję załapać przez jakieś programy 3. Może napisz tutaj, ale na Angielskim forum bo tam jest więcej aktywnych ludzi. Pozdrawiam.
  10. You can join us, IP in the comments since I can't type it here. 8 minute racing map like a DM sorta map. Easy, but fun. Race DM players would say that's Eazy-peasy
  11. Have you played one of these racing maps? Basically, people need to help one person get to the end of the map. Here's a cool example of a teamwork map. Something unique
  12. Sorry i change that much, some converters say 3am some say 15:00 haha
  13. Destroy The Targets lesson in a MTA:SA Race.
  14. Hey there! Does anybody converted GTA:SA Singleplayer Racing Maps, found in Racing Tournament events across the SA? I know few of them are on the MTA community website including Little Loop, Go-Go Karting etc, but anybody converted actual full pack? If not, how can I find them in main.scm files? I scattered through and can't find them so atleast I would know the coordinates how to put checkpoints and recreate them.
  15. Yo! Since racing is kinda slowly dying on MTA at this point, and i'm desperately looking for ways to have fun in my free time I'm looking for active peeps to play RACE with me / maybe join my team / maybe play on some server events that I make. If you're interested in racing, etc.: just PM me and i can give you Discord. These days my leader's clan server is mostly staying empty and there's no games, but maybe if you willing to spend some time we can make some fun matches together, etc/ ps.: I don't play other gamemodes, tried to play on that popular Freeroam server which is for English but also for Portugese people and I got glitched out & trolled that some people literally crashed my PC Thanks!
  16. Turned out it was a problem with server provider. After 2 hours it was fixed. Thanks for the tips, maybe before when i entered with VPN for a test it changed something idk.
  17. Hello there guys! I think I might have a pesky bug involving admin. It all started today when I tried to login to my server as an admin, it shows this: HTTP server file mismatch! (admin) admin_gui.lua [CRC could not open file: Permission denied] Also when I join other servers, same message appears as if i would have admin on that particular server i wouldn't be able to access it: External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\admin_client.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\admin_gui.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\admin_ACL.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_main.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_performance.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_maps.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_messages.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_message.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_moddetails.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_spectator.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_messagebox.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_inputbox.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_team.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_skin.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_stats.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_vehicle.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_interior.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_ban.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_warp.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_report.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_acl.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_settings.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\gui\admin_screenshot.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\client\colorpicker\colorpicker.lua] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\conf\interiors.xml] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\conf\weathers.xml] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\conf\upgrades.xml] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\conf\skins.xml] External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [admin\conf\stats.xml] When i try to access admin panel i see this: A broken admin panel without any function there working. Is there a problem on MTA end or is it temporary my net / server provider or generally game bug? Reply would be appreciated!
  18. Yes, but you need to implement correct scripts in order to succesfully launch it on server. Here's an example on TFF server page, where a guy did a billboard with the team logo: https://tff.gg/index.php?/topic/7089-tff-logo-billboard/#comment-61741 You also need to know how to attach col and other types of files, try checking some modded maps like i did here with de_overpass (a guy converted it to me) and I just converted it back with Scene2res converter to work on MTA: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18818 You'll see there how you can attach "col" etc. files
  19. Cool, if you could theoretically do some bigger track like similar to F1 or something I would use it on events that I organize fo'sho.
  20. This happened during a Captains Cup Pro Match around 2017, when uDka Racing server had a "achat" feature, that you could literally say Text To Speech on the chat. Funny trolling captured on the recording
  21. Fixed it by myself. Basically - open race_server.lua in "RACE" gamemode and delete this line: -- Check race can start ok if g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems ~= res and not g_MapOptions.ghostmode then local numSpawnPoints = #map:getAll('spawnpoint') if getTotalPlayerCount() > numSpawnPoints then -- unload map xml map:unload() outputRace( (numSpawnPoints).." or less players are required to start '"..tostring(getResourceName(res)).."' if not using ghostmode" ) return false end end And voile! You can now start race with 1 spawnpoints if you have autoghostmode, without needing to put additional spawnpoints.
  22. King Well it doesn't work, sadly idk why: I guess I'll never know the answer
  23. Hello! I can't seem to find a solution for this message: 1 or less players are required to start 'race-fuzimu321312312123' if not using ghostmode Even if map has enabled ghostmode, race resource also has enabled "ghostmode" and I have one-spawn and autoghostmode - it still doesn't work. Do you know what I can change in RACE gamemode to prevent that from happening? I remember on older builds i only needed one-spawn to execute maps properly, and now it doesn't work... Map has only 1 spawnpoint but I don't want to add new ones. Help is appreciated, thx.
  24. Hello there! Since not too many Classic Racing servers went for 1.6 yet (some DM / DD / Shooter etc.: servers did) I decided to launch a test server, for y'all if you want to check if anything changed in 1.6 for racing. SKC Vanilla also turned to 1.6 but they have very big ammount of maps & it might lag. My server doesn't have too many maps, scripts so it's perfect to test how things look: mtasa:// Check out F9 - RACE for more info, for commands etc.: I'll describe basic commands here /nos (nfs | normal | hybrid) - change nitro style /fpslimit (vehicle | boat) (number) - Limit your FPS F4 - Carfade C - Carhide Only racing maps with checkpoints.
  25. A pro racer did a new PB of 0:59:32 on Bandito. 29 and lower possible!?
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