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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Brophy

    Development Update

    omg, we need firetruck back or the bus, i mean dont u love building your speed from downtown then ramm0rz someone down by the docks, ahhh beautiful road rage
  2. Brophy

    Development Update

    /me hopes either bus or fireengine has been put in too
  3. rofl, proberly a downloaded copy really
  4. Well, if your from the UK- you wouldn't need to ask that. But if your not- we use the phrase "crown and country" 'nuff said... lmfao, its ok guys, is was a regular on our forum, he gropes anything to do with the law or police, anyways i doubt the 'british FBI' wont be using crappy neoned up cars when they form , and if they are fantasy cars then to your mind also this guy got caught using a trainer on our server twice the beautiful excuse was that he was on a server that allowed it but forgot to switch it off, rofl, anyways peace out
  5. erm dont u mean Enter then Home/V before the guy sits down , any news on bus or firetruck?
  6. i hope they read this thread before completing it http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=10695
  7. so anyone from the mta team gonna have a read??
  8. just thought i would come in a say hey to TR and hey to death, so erm...hey
  9. this thread isnt about putting ppl in the coach or bus its about having the vehicle itself put back into the game in the 0.4.5 release
  10. its a bug, its happened on numerous occasions
  11. Brophy

    Happy New Year

    im f00ked. stella, rum, jack daniels i didnt know where the f00k it was coming from anyways thought ill say happy new year again lol yeah ill leave now, erm see ya in like 10 hours, hurry with blue EDIT: spelling corrected, took ages to type that out
  12. yeah u can go above the clouds
  13. i remember this happening in 0.2.2 with jonas
  14. Could u put either the bus or fireengine back in 0.4.5 please
  15. we just use a modified half life restart linux script on our server, so when the server shuts down 10 secs later it restarts if u need it i can post it here
  16. can u also make like a custom pause screen? like if they pause i could put in all the server info and stuff like in the top corner?
  17. we should organise a css tourament for all the mta'ers, i would get so pwned
  18. Brophy

    Gangwar Mode

    u can say that but imagine if it was the other way around u would flame and bitch like there was no tommorow
  19. o should make one with the new avatar
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