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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. lol, did u see the explosion though on the fireworks one
  2. i think me and deathb will be hiding in the boot of the car
  3. any spare places on that mini-bus for us then?
  4. LMAO, here is a different video FIREWORKS FACTORY blowing up (COOL) http://media.ebaumsworld.com/fireworkfactory.wmv (RIGHT CLICK, SAVE TARGET AS)
  5. well, i saw it again and it is quite disturbing *SHIVERS*
  6. yeah. what he said, you r there having a good war then the idiot that cheats comes along a spoils it all for ya , which really get on my nerves!
  7. damn i wish i could have seen it in game, but your screenshots r good enough, keep it up, man
  8. i dont like this idea, it would interfear with gameplay like when trying to get away from a mad posse or racing
  9. i could explain but eh whats the point when they have a new one coming out which kicks shit out of it
  10. lol, one more satisfied customer
  11. WTF!, my i left my stereo on loud and that got blazed through it for a couple of secs
  12. ive just tested the link (REMEMBER TO RIGHT CLICK, SAVE TARGET AS) and i got speed of 62kps EDIT: my spelling
  13. Brophy

    What we do

    MTA, MTA, MTA ,MTA, MTA, MTA, MTA ,MTA *god i wish i could chant properly on here but ran out of breath* evryone else join in then slowly it seem like im chanting but only waving my hands around
  14. u should have posted this in the screenshot thread
  15. why would u buy one of those , just plug your pc into your tv and then u r playing pc games on your television at low, low cost
  16. LMAO, That picture is mad, i doubt that mta is the cuz of that
  17. i might as well put it here , i was p**sing myself at it http://media.ebaumsworld.com/fredrykphox.wmv (right-click, save target as)
  18. looks like the gta3mta lives again!
  19. that happened to me, i was trying to do too many thing at one and ill i did was reboot my pc to get rid of that msg
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