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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. I think its the match tonight : VCES vs TmM
  2. has your server got ase registraion turned on?
  3. /me laughs @ iggy /me runs off after blasting him in the nuts
  4. why would u even have anything below xp??? *cheap* *upgrade needed* *anything below xp is dead*
  5. Who do u think you are chap Look like your head is missing a gap u go about with some m60 greed come by me and ill make you bleed whats gtat when u got the mta team u'll know this will always gleem :roll: :roll: :roll: Soz, im pissed at this time, well it is a friday night!
  6. YAY */me runs around naked* will it be released within the next month?
  7. well i think so, they have the double pack for consoles
  8. what u playing? vice city or gta3?, we need details
  9. does anyone even play mta:gta3 at the mo?
  10. nice, person that lags with his work
  11. do u think it will be released within the next 3 month?
  12. try using your other graphics card, i mean its worth a shot
  13. it could be the angle of the screenshot
  14. why would they wanna make fake pics?
  15. me, also its not what it looks like
  16. i thought graphic cards goes up in 2's like ram 64mb 128mb 256mb
  17. E=MC2 which equals a nerb bomb, also cant w8 for torney
  18. that Newbie class is for something, i could explain but arnt be arsed, but GTA:VC is played more than GTA3, well someone will explain
  19. when do ya think this torney will start?
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