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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Here: https://github.com/mtadayz/MTADayZ/
  2. yup but is a bit more complicated
  3. Well 31 is the Weapon ID not Texture ID you need Texture ID witch is this:
  4. This doesn't have anything to weapons.
  5. Yes that's what you must do. Already give'd a example here.
  6. This will only work client side he also need server side and my idea fits perfectly. I am also using it.
  7. All you can do here is attaching some interior models (ex: a TV) to M4 and make M4 alpha 0 and then replace M4 skin with that custom model you made earlier and voila. Edit: Also give some advice here.
  8. What's the point of this? loadstring(luaCode)() i usually use loadstring(luaCode) and works...
  9. What?! What he said makes more sense than your code.. fileRead returns a String already + you don't execute it aswell. Elmatus code was like this loadstring(luaCode) and John Smith says he need () after loadstring, but Elmatus already have it...
  10. What?! BTW Try like this for me was working: addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), function() local file fileOpen("editable.lua"); local luaCode = fileRead(file, fileGetSize(file)); loadstring(tostring(luaCode)); fileClose(file); end);
  11. addCommandHandler("takeaccmoney", function(player, cmd, account, moneyToTake) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(player), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then local acc = getAccount(tostring(account)); if (acc) then setAccountData(acc, "YOUR.KEY", getAccountData(acc, "YOUR.KEY")-tonumber(moneyToTake)); outputChatBox("Done!", player, 0, 255, 2); end end end); Replace "YOUR.KEY"!
  12. Post the code so we can find what's wrong also you should take a screenshot while /debugscript 3 is activated so see if there are errors.
  13. Man, do you think we are stupid? It's obvious you want to stole some server's resources.
  14. [quote name=..&G:..]MTA will end up like Metin, an old 90's game with dumb kids. Fortunately true...
  15. Tekken


    You can use this file: weapon_alpha.txd and make a script like this: This will make M4 invisible! local txd = engineLoadTXD("weapon_alpha.txd"); engineImportTXD(txd, 356);
  16. Yes like this: function someFunction(element, data) setElementData(element, "key", data) setTimer(function(element) removeElementData(element, "key"); end, 5000, 1, element); end Please note that this will completely remve the data under that key!
  17. Using this: local blockAnims = { "BOM_Plant", }; -- You will have to do others by yourself! setTimer(function() Block, AnimationName = getPedAnimation(getLocalPlayer()); for _,v in ipairs(blockAnims) do if (AnimationName == v) then setPedAnimation(getLocalPlayer(), false); end end end, 2000, 0);
  18. Use this Client-Side: setTimer(function() Anim,_ = getPedAnimation(getLocalPlayer()); if (Anim) then setPedAnimation(getLocalPlayer(), false); end end, 2000, 0); You may change the timer duration to catch the animation.
  19. Ba coa!e toate posturile tale sunt facute sa te iei de alti ce plm te tot iei tu de toata lumea? crismar incearca sa ne scape de un tepar dandune informatii iar tu te iei de el..., si nu numai de el, fiecare post facut de tine e facut sa te iei de cineva, tu ce plm ai facut pe MTA? Abia acum cateva saptamani te-am observat pe aici, si dai lectii la toata lumea, hai sictir si stai in taci draq daca n-ai nimic bun de zis! Si te-oi pomeni ca, cand te-a cacat ma-ta stiai deja cum se lucreaza in Lua ha?
  20. Tekken


    Try with this local function destroyNeon() if not getElementData(vehicle, "neon") then return false; end local neonEl = {getElementData(vehicle, "neon")}; destroyElement(neonEl[1]); destroyElement(neonEl[2]); end
  21. Tekken

    help with ACL

    In Admin Panel you have a Edit box were says For Advanced Users only type there aclReloade() then hit Server and it should fix, if still not working try restart the server.
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