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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Ok now it work, changed the texture name to 'bikerhelmet' and work good, thank you, so all you've done was changing the compression type?
  2. hmm tested them but I cant see the texture only white.
  3. Works, also I kinda like the model you 'created' in mixing them May I know what you done? As I also have a Kevlar with the same issue. Thank you.
  4. May we see an example of how you use it?
  5. There they are: https://mega.nz/file/0w432IYT#FrZQH-H8IKsQ-Uhm2udmjZEs39n70Si91IrgTxXP-ho Those are Helmets models so I need to be able to change alpha client side when aiming sniper alse we see the models. Thank you.
  6. Do you mean? You want the model? Or an example in game? Cause the scripting part works tried w/o the replacement and worked also tried another model and worked.
  7. outputChatBox("text with color code here", player, red, green, blue, true) The true at the end enables the color codes within string. When you in trouble with a function always give a check on the wiki.
  8. Hi I have some models found online that don't change alpha when setElementAlpha(element, 0 or whatever number you want) Has anyone encountered this? if yes how can I fix this? (I have no experience in Blender nor 3DMax) Thank you for your time.
  9. Decimal is a number so all you have to do is If NewDecimal > oldDecimal then —give money elseif newDecimal < oldDecimal then —take money else — do nothing if decimal do not change end keep in mind this is very low level you will have to adjust to work with your code.
  10. Didn’t know that one existed
  11. getAccounts() will return a table with all accounts so you can loop trough and check if is in acl group using isObjectInACLGroup()
  12. I don’t see where decimals variable was set, you have what error? /debugscript 3
  13. Show the part of code where you tried As I can’t really understand your code
  14. So you want us to do that for you? Or have you tried and failed ? If so tell us where the problem is.
  15. What is the problem ?
  16. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function() if source == ctrl[1] then -- do something elseif source == ctrl[2] then -- do something else --etc... end end, false)
  17. Try this function table.find(tabl,word) if type(tabl) ~= "table" or word == nil then return false else local ret = false for k,v in pairs(tabl) do if string.find(v, word) then return k end end end end
  18. Sfat 1. Fara RP (Is deja 30+ servere) Sfat 2. Perseverenta. Sfat 3. Fara "parteneriate" Sfat 4. Scripturile leak is ok daca vrei sa inveti din ele, nu face un server cu ele. In acest moment practic toate serverele din romania is leak. Daca ai intrebari de scripting nu ezita sa le pui aici pe sectiunea romaneasca. (Parerea mea) Ah da si uitasem, nu lasa copii sa te descurajeze.
  19. Tekken

    Lag issues

    So we can do addElementDataSubscriber addElementDataSubscriber(player, "data", player); And this will only be synced for the specific player? What will be the disadvantages ?
  20. You can try to gather all the information you need and re create the resource, but, it will be a lot, a whole lot of work (I assume)
  21. Well in this case we can’t really help you, all you can do is contact the creator of the gamemode.
  22. You need no file, just create the database within your phpmyadmin I have took a look into the ghihub and I can’t see the CSS_database resource can you point it up for me?
  23. Well you should check online for a tutorial on how to connect to phpmyadmin
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