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Everything posted by WorthlessCynomys

  1. Do you use debugscript 3 in the console? Does it output sg?
  2. Hm. Is it inside the setTimer with the creations?
  3. It may be because addEventHandler runs when the script starts but the marker is not existing at that time. I'd put the addEventHandler in the function after the creation of the vehicle and the marker and give it a try.
  4. Check how math.random works math.random(min, max)
  5. If you make a connection resource and do: function getConnection() return connection end Then you export this, you can get the connection from every resource, it'll work
  6. Use timestamp. Seconds since 1970 january 1 00:00. Count the time for the ban in seconds, give it to the current timestamp, upload it to sql as an int and compare that on join/login
  7. Oh. Well if showsound gave that, then i don't know
  8. World sound enabled's arguments are (group, specific element of group, state)
  9. Find the part of the script thst calls this exact function, and check it and so on. Follow the way of the command/data and find the bug
  10. Gangname is an empty varianble. You have to give that as an argument when you call this function. Look at the calls for this function.
  11. Hey. I don't think that if you're new at mta scripting, you should not start with a VIP system. But i would use functions like: setElementData() getRealTime() With these you can set the VIP level of the player in an easily reachable way. Also you have to store the expiration data in internaldb, in an SQL, or in a text file (i do not recommend this). you can check with "if CONDITION then CODE end" if the player has an expired VIP. for the command: addCommandHandler() getPlayerFromName()
  12. Just like dxDrawCircle but in 3D
  13. Could you explain it a little more?
  14. You need the gta sa path nodes for that and a pretty good algorithm. The gta sa nodes can be found in a GTA V gps resource on community. The rest of it is on you.
  15. Okay but how do you put in new models?
  16. How do you try to modify them? The server crashes or the client?
  17. Local variables, computing on client side (balanced), reducing the amount or the size of changed models, improving the server pc, optimizing code, setting unused variables to nil etc
  18. Use spawnPlayer Instead of setElementPosition
  19. setVehicleHandling Read the site carefully and play with the values. Each vehicle has a uniqe handling. But this can be easily solved. Try to play with this function a bit.
  20. You have to modify the handlig (the behaviour) of the vehicle. It is possible by script.
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