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  1. Alguem sabe me dizer como criar um sistema vip que adiciona o vip temporario para um player por comando como: addvip, pra remover removevip e pra checar viptime
  2. I'm really new at scripting, i may wanted to know how to create a vip system like: check time remaining, command to add vip to a player by his name and to remove
  3. i dont know nothing about scripting and i'm trying my first server, i downloaded this ID for chats and for private messages. but when i start the resource nothing happens, and i found that error ERROR: [AllMods]\chatmod\server.lua:313: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
  4. Well i solved that by re-instaling the server in host services. That work to me
  5. I know its really stupid to ask because i know the problem. But i put that right on ACL and it stills give me that message, why ?? it is happening in a host WARNING: anti-spam\anti_flood.lua:45: Access denied @ 'setPlayerMuted'
  6. I wanna know how to make an area without collisions, its on a respawn and if players become afk, the others can walk without become stucked. Thanks.
  7. vGrosho


    I want to remove this resctriction, i where searching for something but i didn't find any solutions. Can someone help me with this ? http://prnt.sc/eclxwl
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