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Everything posted by WorthlessCynomys

  1. koragg may be right about the global chat thingy. It is possible, that the global chat blocks the basic chat of MTA, so you can't say anything, in case if you don't use the global chat.
  2. Nem éppen egy friss topic, de a látható statok változtatása, pl háj(fat) az csak a CJ skinen látszik.
  3. Hello. I think that your problem is that the player is not existing when you freeze it. So the code runs from the top to the bottom and your freeze happens way before the spawn. What's more, you use randomSpawnTable[random][4] which is not an existing thing.
  4. Thank you for your help, it was really helpful.
  5. Hello there! I have replaced some cars with DFF files and such and I want to put GTA license plate on them, but I don't really know, how to do that. I'd really appreciate if someone could help me with this. Thank you!
  6. I have a problem with the visibility of outputChatBox. So it's part of a GUI. You press the button on the GUI, it sends the command to the server, the server checks if you have the money for the stuff and if you have, you got a fancy new weapon, but if you don't, the server triggers a clientside event, wich outputs the message, that you don't have enough money. The problem is, that the message, that warns you, that you don't have the money, appears for every online player. CLIENTSIDE function nomoney() outputChatBox("Nincs rá pénzed.") end addEvent("nomoney", true) addEventHandler("nomoney", resourceRoot, nomoney) SERVERSIDE function Deagleb() money = getPlayerMoney(client) if money>=100 then setPlayerMoney(client, money-100) giveWeapon(client, 24, 14, true) else triggerClientEvent("nomoney", resourceRoot) end end addEvent("Deagle", true) addEventHandler("Deagle", resourceRoot, Deagleb) Thanks for the help.
  7. So, my problem is, that i made a GUI, and when it opens, it opens for all the players online and the setElementFrozen affects every player, etc. The GUI is attached to markers, so when you enter the marker, the GUI pops up. But it pops up for everyone. If you're not in the ACL group, you're not allowed to use the GUI, so it closes, when you press a button and outputs a message that you're not allowed to use it. I have the same problem with outputChatBox. The message appears for everyone. So my question is, that how could is make the GUI appear and affect only the actual user, and the outputChatBox appear only for the player i want? If you need the Scripts, just let me know and I'll instert it here. Thanks for the help.
  8. Kliens oldali fájlban van a script? A gomb érzékelése, hogy van megírva? Egyébként, az amit ide bevágtál, valahogy így helyes. --------------------------- -- My window --------------------------- local GUIEditor = { window = {}, } wndMywindow = { 'wnd', GiftWindow = guiCreateWindow(322, 223, 783, 193, "ablak", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GiftWindow, false) guiSetVisible (GiftWindow, true) guiSetProperty(GiftWindow, "CaptionColour", "FF00D655") }
  9. Thank. I was hoping, that i don't have to change all the numbers and there's an other soultion for that. Thanks, anyway.
  10. So i have a problem, with GUIs. I made two GUIs and i should separate them, because the first GUI affects the second GUI. On the first GUI, i have two buttons. GUIEditor.button[1] and GUIEditor.button[2] On the second GUI, i have buttons two, starting from GUIEditor.button[1]. So the problem is, that the second GUI's buttons, aren't working, because it calls the function of the first GUI's buttons. The two scripts are in two files. So how could i separate them, so they don't have any effect on each other?
  11. Hello. Szóval az a problémám, hogy 2 GUI-t csináltam, és el kéne különítenem a kettőt, mert a 2. GUI gombjait, az első GUI gombjainak érzékeli. Külön fájlban vannak megírva, de nem tudok semmit csinálni a második GUI-n mert az első reagálja le.
  12. Nekem ez se megy de olyan parancsot hogy kell csinálni amin a parancs beírásakor meg kell adnod mondjuk a skinID-t vagy a kocsiD-t amikor lehívnál egyet. Vagy azt hogy ha csinálok egy GUI-t és ott úgy akarom megcsinálni hogy pl. login panelnél hogy beírod a nevet és a kódot akkor az működjön?
  13. Hello! Gyakorlogatom írni a scripteket, ne tessék leszólni nem értek hozzá szinte semmit, de azért próbálkozni lehet nem? Tehát gyakorolgatom írni és írtam egyet de nem csinál semmit, pedig se az MTA Script Editor se a server nem ír ki semmi hibát benne. Köszi a segítséget előre is! [color=#0080BF]addCommandHandler[/color]([color=#FFBF00]"GPS"[/color], GPS) [color=#FF0040]function[/color] [color=#00BF00]GPS[/color] ([color=#FF4000]thePlayer, command[/color]) x, y, z = [color=#0080BF]getElementPosition[/color](thePlayer) distance = [color=#0080BF]getDistanceBetweenPoints3D[/color](x, y, z, [color=#8040BF]2040.9111328125[/color], [color=#8040BF]1545.1611328125[/color], [color=#8040BF]10.671875[/color]) [color=#0080BF]outputChatBox[/color]([color=#FFBF00]"Te"[/color] ..distance [color=#FFBF00]"M-re vagy az uticélodtól!"[/color]) [color=#FF0040]end[/color]
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