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Everything posted by WorthlessCynomys

  1. You can put a green 3D line on the ground too... I mean, it's not the most beautiful solution, but a simple and quite effective one.
  2. I don't think you have to make shaders for that. Just make a big green 3D layer behind the characters, or somewhere on the map and make the photos there. So like... make and extra thick 3D line... for example.
  3. You make the clientside function to draw the text, make an event, trigger the event from serverside for the ppl in the gang
  4. Just a little tip. Use development mode. So on admin panel, you have a command line, use either that or write a script. setDevelopmentMode(true) -- client side command then in the ingame console (F8): showcol maaagiiic
  5. That means that the group is not existing. Try it with big A. So aclGetGroup("Admin")
  6. Try that again. Explain it too.
  7. if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then -- If the element is a player local acc = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) -- Get it's account if (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(acc), aclGetGroup("admin")) == false) then -- If the object is not in the admin acl group killPed(thePlayer, thePlayer) -- Kill it end end
  8. if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("admin") == true) then -- Do something end end
  9. Propbably password variable is a nil.
  10. You detect the hit, check if it was on the head, get the loss, multiply it for example then set the element's health.
  11. You can do it with @pa3ck's method. --[[ You can set a little shake to the camera, and you can press controls randomly for a period of time. --]] math.random() setPedControlState() setTimer() setCameraShakeLevel() -- with these, you can easily make a drunk effect.
  12. Okay. If it's not a label. Then what it is?
  13. Well... then don't do it.
  14. There are a lot of approaches. You can make colshapes, radar areas, use sql, teams, acl...
  15. label = guiCreateLabel(x, y, x, y, "label", flase/true, parentElement) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function() if (source == label) then -- Do something end end )
  16. That is a label. And to set it in the proper position, you can use: guiSetProperty() and set a background to the label, so you actually see where it is.
  17. Those are gui labels. They made it a button by defining the source in onClientGUIClick.
  18. You detect if player enters an interior, then: setPlayerHudComponentVisible()
  19. Well... make 2 random numbers with math.random() output it, with a proper text get the results with a command handler check if the result is good give the rewards if the answer is good math.random() setPlayerMoney() setTimer()
  20. What do you mean by reaction test script?
  21. So... your ped is in the 3rd interior in the 2nd zone. If the dimension or the interior is different for the colshape or something, your script won't work.
  22. Have you got any errors? What is the problem like? What's not working?
  23. Please put the code in code mode. the <> button
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