Done try to use this:
-- Scripting By Sasuke*
-- Por Favor, no remuevas los creditos.
-- Copyright © 2013 - Todos los derechos reservados.
local turfPos = {
{ 2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 },
{ 2486.5935058594, 678.20172119141, 0, 245, 133, 30 },
{ 1856.2864990234, 627.07629394531, 0, 138.25, 152.75, 90 },
{ 1576.8956298828, 662.84362792969, 0, 181, 120.5, 90 },
{ 1577.6783447266, 943.66607666016, 0, 190, 190, 90 },
{ 1383.4364013672, 909.61499023438, 0, 142, 230, 90 },
{ 956.94744873047, 1011.635925293, 0, 220, 140, 90 },
{ 1017.7476196289, 1203.4068603516, 0, 180, 165, 90 },
{ 1017.623046875, 1383.4741210938, 0, 190, 290, 90 },
{ 917.99707031253, 1623.6003417969, 0, 80, 220, 90 },
{ 1017.7178955078, 1862.6740722656, 0, 140, 180, 90 },
{ 912.50573730469, 1958.6761474609, 0, 90, 230, 90 },
{ 1017.3455200195, 2063.38671875, 0, 150, 300, 90 },
{ 1300.7644042969, 2095.5100097656, 0, 200, 140, 90 },
{ 1398.1997070313, 2323.5505371094, 0, 160, 65, 90 },
{ 1578.1955566406, 2284.0825195313, 0, 180, 110, 90 },
{ 1237.6285400391, 2581.4663085938, 0, 450, 130, 90 },
{ 1780.478515625, 2567.2121582031, 0, 130, 130, 90 },
{ 1698.2750244141, 2724.494140625, 0, 200, 150, 90 },
{ 2237.9494628906, 2723.7814941406, 0, 180, 110, 90 },
{ 2498.6853027344, 2704.6188964844, 0, 300, 140, 90 },
{ 2798.1267089844, 2303.9643554688, 0, 120, 300, 90 },
{ 2557.5688476563, 2243.4963378906, 0, 100, 230, 90 },
{ 2532.5830078125, 2063.4118652344, 0, 100, 150, 90 },
{ 2558.1779785156, 1624.0816650391, 0, 100, 300, 90 },
{ 2437.685546875, 1483.7209472656, 0, 160, 120, 90 },
{ 2077.7106933594, 1203.5559082031, 0, 340, 170, 90 },
{ 2082.3193359375, 979.23583984375, 0, 270, 210, 90 }
local areaPos = {
{ 2130, 630, 200, 100 },
{ 2488.8793945313, 680.78289794922, 250, 130 },
{ 1858, 623, 140, 165 },
{ 1577, 663, 180, 130 },
{ 1577, 943, 185, 190 },
{ 1383, 909, 120, 230 },
{ 956, 1011, 220, 140 },
{ 1017, 1203, 180, 165 },
{ 1017, 1383, 190, 290 },
{ 917, 1623, 80, 220 },
{ 1017, 1862, 140, 180 },
{ 912, 1958, 90, 240 },
{ 1017, 2063, 150, 300 },
{ 1300, 2092, 200, 140 },
{ 1398, 2323, 160, 65 },
{ 1578, 2284, 180, 110 },
{ 1237, 2581, 450, 130 },
{ 1780, 2567, 130, 130 },
{ 1698, 2724, 200, 150 },
{ 2237, 2723, 180, 110 },
{ 2498, 2704, 300, 140 },
{ 2798, 2303, 120, 300 },
{ 2557, 2243, 100, 230 },
{ 2532, 2063, 100, 150 },
{ 2558, 1624, 100, 300 },
{ 2437, 1483, 160, 120 },
{ 2077, 1203, 340, 170},
{ 2082, 979, 270, 210 }
local turfElement = {}
local turfTimer = {}
checkComplete = false
language = "Spanish"
-- Pon "Spanish" para español
-- Put "English" for english text
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot,
executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Turf_System ( Turfs TEXT, GangOwner TEXT, r INT, g INT, b INT)")
local check = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System" )
if #check == 0 then
for i=1,#turfPos do
executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Turf_System(Turfs,GangOwner,r,g,b) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]", "Nadie", 0, 255, 0)
for i,v in ipairs(turfPos) do
local sqlData = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]")
local turfCol = createColCuboid(unpack(v))
setElementData(turfCol, "getTurfGang", sqlData[1].GangOwner)
local arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4 = unpack(areaPos[i])
local turfArea = createRadarArea(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, sqlData[1].r, sqlData[1].g, sqlData[1].b, 175)
turfElement[turfCol] = {turfCol, turfArea, i}
if language == "Spanish" then
outputDebugString("Sistema de turf by Sasuke* ha iniciado correctamente!")
outputDebugString("Turf System by Sasuke* was started correctly!")
end )
function radar ( player )
local theTable = turfElement[source]
if (theTable) then
local turf,area,id = turfElement[source][1] , turfElement[source][2] , turfElement[source][3]
if turf and area and source == turf then
local playerGang = getElementData ( player, "gang" )
local turfGang = executeSQLQuery("SELECT GangOwner FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" )
if ( turfGang[1].GangOwner == playerGang ) then
if language == "Spanish" then
outputChatBox("Este territorio ya pertenece a "..turfGang[1].GangOwner or "Nadie", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
outputChatBox("This territory already belongs to "..turfGang[1].GangOwner or "None", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
if not getPlayerTeam(player) then return end
local team = getPlayerTeam ( player )
if ( getTeamName( team ) == "Alianza" ) or ( getTeamName( team ) == "Anarquía" ) then
local playerGang = getElementData ( player, "gang" )
if ( isTimer ( turfTimer[source] ) ) then return end
if ( playerGang ) then
local r, g, b = unpack ( exports [ "gang_system" ]:getGangColor ( playerGang ) )
setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, true )
if turfGang[1].GangOwner ~= "Nadie" then
if language == "Spanish" then
outputChatBox("Entraste en la zona de "..turfGang[1].GangOwner..". Espera 2 minutos y la conquistarás.", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
outputChatBox("You enter into de "..turfGang[1].GangOwner.."'s turf zone. Wait 2 minutes to capture the turf and win 4k", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
if language == "Spanish" then
outputChatBox("¡Esta zona no pertenece a nadie, quédate aquí y conquistarás esta zona para el clan!", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
outputChatBox("This turf do not belong to anyone. Wait 2 minutes to capture the turf and win 4k", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
turfTimer[source] = setTimer (
function ( )
local beachTurfCplayers = getElementColShape ( turf )
local players = getElementsWithinColShape ( turf, "player" )
setRadarAreaColor ( area, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), 175 )
for _, player in ipairs ( players ) do
if getElementData(player, "gang") == playerGang then
if language == "Spanish" then
outputChatBox("¡Tu clan ha conquistado la base!", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
outputChatBox("Congratulations. You capture the turf. +4K!", player, 0, 255, 0, false)
triggerClientEvent("onTakeTurf", player)
executeSQLQuery("UPDATE Turf_System SET GangOwner=?,r=?,g=?,b=? WHERE Turfs=?", playerGang, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" )
-- setElementData ( turf, "getTurfGang", playerGang )
setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, false )
,120000, 1) -- 120000
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", root, radar )