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Everything posted by Walid

  1. try this resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() function createNew() for _, areia in pairs ( radar_table ) do pesq = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `area` WHERE `nome`=?", area.nome ) for k, a in ipairs (pesq) do triggerClientEvent( root,"onSetOwner", root, areia.nome, a.owner, areia.preco, areia.x, areia.y, areia.z, a.corR, a.corG, a.corB) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createNew)
  2. try to use my code WhoAmI code is server side.
  3. is there anyway that if i do the /invisible command again ill go back to the alpha 255? and btw Whoami it worked ty. use getElementAlpha () Example function invisible() if getElementModel(localPlayer) == 179 then if getElementAlpha (localPlayer) == 255 then setElementAlpha(localPlayer, 0) else setElementAlpha(localPlayer, 255) end end end addCommandHandler ( "invisible", invisible )
  4. the source of this event is the weapon that was fired.
  5. use onClientPlayerDamage()
  6. Try to use addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, function() if getElementData(source, "team") == "Heavy" then setPedArmor(source, 100) else setPedArmor(source, 0) end end) or you need to add something like this in s_main.lua setElementData(client,"Class",class.name )
  7. Man try to show us your edited script
  8. ??? lol there is no element data called "Class" in this script : https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=1152
  9. Are you sure post you meta here.
  10. Try this function dontTryBug ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) if matchingDimension and isElement(hitPlayer) and getElementType ( hitPlayer ) == "player" and hitPlayer == localPlayer then -- Your code end end
  11. You must add type = "client" in your meta file
  12. you need to use : getTimerDetails ()
  13. it can be like this : for i=1,#table do if table[i][1] == serial then --etc ... end
  14. Try to change your table like this : table = { [1] = {"playerSerial1","somedata","someotherdata"}, [2] = {"playerSerial2","somedata2","someotherdata2"}, [3] = {"playerSerial3","somedata3","someotherdata3"} }
  15. try this: for i,v in pairs(table) do local type = getElementsByType("player") for index, player in pairs(type) do local serial = getPlayerSerial (player) if v[1] == serial then return v[2] or v[3] -- data here etc..... else return false end end
  16. so i think you need to check your files.
  17. Try this : "GTA_SA_Podmianki" author= "Matevsz" type="gamemode" version= "1.0.0" />
  18. Post the meta file here
  19. yeh i forgot to change it
  20. Walid

    Not Work

    lol the source of this event is the player that just spawned.
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