I think this has been awnsered quite enough times, but well, isn't that simple.
You need a way to handle gamemodes and players, a custom map manager that will load maps just for x gamemode players and this its just a poor description of everything required.
Has tu mapa normal e incluye un script así, no lo he probado.
for _,element in pairs(getElementChildren(resourceRoot)) do
Supongo te refieres al efecto de los "neones" a modo de que funcione como una proyección "correcta" sobre cualquier superficie si se requiere de un shader
Its actually complex if you have no experience at all.
You have to generate individual maps for only certain clients on each arena (a custom map manager), individual gamemode states, etc.
Generating map in client-side will make that map load for only that client, you also have to download map files and start map scripts which is another issue.