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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Hey Guys, i have a radio panel with a few radio stations , ok , so what's the problem ? If i click on one radio station and than to another it plays the sound of the firt radio station too. So how can i handle this ? Code : addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if ( source == Radyobutton1 ) then sound1 = playSound( "****", false ) elseif ( source == Radyobutton2 ) then sound2 = playSound( "**", false ) elseif ( source == Radyobutton3 ) then sound3 = playSound( "***", false ) elseif ( source == Radyobutton4 ) then sound4 = playSound( "****", false ) elseif ( source == radkapat ) then if isElement(sound1) then destroyElement(sound1) end if isElement(sound2) then destroyElement(sound2) end if isElement(sound3) then destroyElement(sound3) end if isElement(sound4) then destroyElement(sound4) end end end ) -KRZO.
  2. Karuzo


    lol calm down , function applyMods() local skin = engineLoadTXD("m4.txd", true) engineImportTXD(skin, 356) local skin = engineLoadDFF("m4.dff", 356) engineReplaceModel(skin, 356) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, applyMods)
  3. Oh thank you Gallardo that's what i searched for!
  4. Thank you , but i always need to set a new dimension ? (I mean the first script.)
  5. Ye ok , i will try that out Thank you guys.
  6. Hi xXMADExx, thank you for your help at first! The error has been gone now but now i've got another problem : it doesnt't show the owner and something like that.. I just want it that he takes the Account Name as Owner. And not the playername , so users can't steal houses if they just change their name. Error : Server: http://pastebin.com/pxRbw55D Client : http://pastebin.com/c8d1NRvJ I hope you can help me:-)
  7. Hey Guys, so i have a problem with NoneAtMe's house system. i get an error if i want to buy a house. This is the Error: This is the Server.lua : http://pastebin.com/EWgDUDTB I hope you can help me
  8. Try the dxDrawText example : local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( ) -- Get the screen resolution (width and height) function createText ( ) local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) -- Get our player's coordinates. local playerZoneName = getZoneName ( playerX, playerY, playerZ ) -- Get name of the zone the player is in. -- Draw zone name text's shadow. dxDrawText ( playerZoneName, 44, screenHeight - 41, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.02, "pricedown" ) -- Draw zone name text. dxDrawText ( playerZoneName, 44, screenHeight - 43, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" ) end function HandleTheRendering ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, createText ) -- keep the text visible with onClientRender. end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, HandleTheRendering )
  9. Hmm, that's true. I've already compiled the script , and set my cache to false. Well if there's no other way its ok. But thank you for your help.
  10. No, try that: local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function dxdraw() dxDrawText("EXAMPLE", (screenW - 206) / 2, (screenH - 59) /2.5 , ((screenW - 1028) / 2.1) + 1028, ((screenH - 97) / 2.5) + 97, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, true, false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxdraw)
  11. and create it if i need it ? wouldn't it be to much work ?
  12. haha funny, i didn't say that i don't like people , i just don't like them who steal scripts. hmm , you mean with fetchRemote ?
  13. Oh forgot that completely , you have to set the screenW , screenH of the Text size also , i mean this two : 1028, 97 (screenW - 1028) / 2) + 1028, (screenH - 97) / 2.5) + 97,
  14. Which one should be the right one ? And show me youre code pls.
  15. So ? what are you trying to say ?
  16. try this : local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function dxdraw() dxDrawText("EXAMPLE", (screenW - 206) / 2, (screenH - 59) /2.5 , 1028, 97, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, true, false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,dxdraw) 2 = x coordinate 2.5 = y coordinate , just change them.
  17. Hey guys, I wanted to "compile" my images , so people who use leaked scripts , can't use them. But i don't know how i could save my images ... Or is there a way in the meta.xml like : ? Any ideas? Thank you for your replies.
  18. I think you mean replaced vehicles , cause you can't create new gta vehicles. Just put the id of the car that you replaced.
  19. You mean in freeroam? In the vehicles.xml .
  20. You really know something about scripting?
  21. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPedBonePosition This should it be.
  22. Wiki : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawText Try this( don't forget to write the x, y, width and height numbers) : local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function drawName() dxDrawText("Criminal",x, y, width, height, tocolor( 255, 0, 0, 255) , 1, "default-bold" ) end function open() opened = not opened if opened == true then addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawName) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawName) end end bindKey("F11","down",open)
  23. What are you doing? There is no function like createdxDrawText, btw what shoudl "criminal" and this coordinates be?
  24. Karuzo


    You're welcome mate.
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