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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Hmm i tried that but didn't worked...
  2. setCameraMatrix isTransferBoxActive
  3. Well it's all over MySQL , the owner is saved in the mysql, but i want it that it doesnt use getPlayerName, i want it that he uses the account name , ive done that know in the server-sided script , but i don't know how to do it in client-sided.
  4. Hey Guys, i have a few problems, i want to make the house system just like that : i want it that the owner is taken from his account name.. I know i have to use getAccountName(theAccount) , but how do i take the account-name clientsided ?? i replaced every getplayerfromname serversided with getAccountName...
  5. lol, it works fine , i just tried it . But it doesn't save the Best Drift .
  6. So, no-one can help me ?
  7. Oh sorry forgot that completely. Well , the problem is that the Skin doesn't change, the Player doesn't receive the Deagle, and he isn't teleported to the given Position.
  8. Hey Guys, so i have a problem with triggering from the client to the server... Client: function Polis1() triggerServerEvent("Polis", getLocalPlayer() ) outputChatBox("Polis meslegine hosgeldin " ..nameplay.." ! Gangsterleri öldürmeye calisican!", 0, 255, 0, false) guiSetVisible(Meslekwindow, false) showCursor(false) end Server: function Polis1(thePlayer) if (getPlayerSkin(thePlayer) == 281) then outputChatBox("Polissin zaaten!!", thePlayer) else setPlayerSkin(thePlayer, 281) outputChatBox("Deagle verildin!.", thePlayer) setElementPosition(thePlayer, 1589, -1625, 14) giveWeapon(thePlayer, 24, 150, true) triggerClientEvent("DXPOLIS", client) -- this is ok. end end addEvent("Polis" , true) addEventHandler("Polis", root, Polis1)
  9. Ah ok thank you! Now i understand
  10. Erm, yea , and now in english ?
  11. ye i know , but i want it if the player writes /garage it should show the first garage, and then if he presses right arrow key it moves to the next garage, but how do i put it in the ShowGarages function ? Because it would be pretty bad if the next garage shows up when the player presses right arrow key function ShowGarages() setCameraMatrix(1558.5915527344, -1027.4820556641, 30.416728973389) end addCommandHandler("garage", resourceRoot, ShowGarages)
  12. Hey Guys, So i have a problem : I want to set the Camera Matrix of the player to a garage which i created , so i've got a question , how can i change to the next garage if i press the arrow keys ?
  13. Oh forgot that completely ok now it works, but what is if i have dx images on this rectangle ? do i have to set the positions from them also ? i mean do i have to put OutBounce also to them ?
  14. Oh ok , now i understand Ok i've tried it , but doesn't work , why ? dxDrawAnimWindow ((screenW - 700) / 2, (screenH - 442) / 2, 700, 442, color, "default-bold", "OutBounce") Error : http://prntscr.com/2m4rxt
  15. Thank you , but does this work with Rectangles also ?
  16. Hello everybody, i have a few questions. I drew a window with DX , fine , but now i want it to make it more 'beautiful' , i have read something about easing on some topics. So i was at the wiki and looked for the Easing, ok, but now i don't really understand it . I don't know what these In/Out- Quads are , i just want to make my window from small to big, just like if i press f9 it 'pops' up. I think i can do that with inBounce and outBounce ( if im right :3 ) But i don't know how i could use them. Hope you understand me and help me
  17. yes cou can. btw Anubhav it has to be : local players = getElementsWithinColShape ( colShape, "player" )
  18. addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot,function () txd = engineLoadTXD( 'yourtxdfile.txd' ) engineImportTXD( txd, 310 ) dff = engineLoadDFF('yourdfffile.dff', 310) engineReplaceModel( dff, 310 ) end) meta: "Samyak" type="misc" name="Skin" description="NewSkin" />
  19. Hey Guys, i think the title says it all. I've searched the wiki but didnt find anything there..
  20. Karuzo

    Moving Chat

    Ah! Didn't saw that on the community. Thank you, gonna look how that all was created
  21. Karuzo

    Moving Chat

    Thank you, i know, but i will try something. It doesn't have to be beautiful, just a basic chatbox
  22. Karuzo

    Moving Chat

    Ah ok now i understand . But what do i need also for a chatbox ?
  23. Karuzo

    Moving Chat

    Oh ok. Didn't knew that. So i have to disable the chat first , right ? Just cancel the Event if the player is trying to type something ?
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