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  1. razvan2299

    Server upgrade

    Hey, I was just wondering how I can upgrade a server to 1.5 without the actual installer, like copying some files that will upgrade it. Thanks.
  2. I can't access the console, I'm using a friend's host and I've only got FTP access.
  3. client_Script: addEvent ( "client_ReturnPermissions", true ) addEvent ( "client_ReturnAvailableTeleports", true ) addEvent ( "client_ReturnSpecificTeleport", true ) teleRows = {} function toggleTeleportManager() if guiGetVisible ( teleManager ) == true or guiGetVisible ( teleWizard ) == true then guiSetVisible ( teleManager, false ) guiSetVisible ( teleWizard, false ) showCursor ( false ) guiGridListClear ( list ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( teleManager, true ) showCursor ( true ) processAvailableTeleports() end end function processAvailableTeleports() triggerServerEvent ( "client_CallAvailableTeleports", getLocalPlayer() ) end function checkPermissions() triggerServerEvent ( "client_CheckPermissions", getLocalPlayer() ) end function client_ReturnPermissions ( isAdmin ) if exports.vip:isPlayerVIP(client) then setElementData ( getLocalPlayer(), "allowedToCreateTele", true ) if not exports.vip:isPlayerVIP(client) then setElementData ( getLocalPlayer(), "allowedToCreateTele", false ) end end function client_ReturnAvailableTeleports ( availableTele, tNodeType, teleNodeX, teleNodeY, teleNodeZ, teleNodeDesc, number ) if availableTele == false then teleRows[1] = guiGridListAddRow ( list ) guiGridListSetItemText ( list, teleRows[1], listDescColumn, "*No Available Teleports*", false, false ) guiSetEnabled ( teleManagerUseTele, false ) guiSetEnabled ( teleManagerDeleteTele, false ) else teleRows[number] = guiGridListAddRow ( list ) guiGridListSetItemText ( list, teleRows[number], listDescColumn, ""..teleNodeDesc.."", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( list, teleRows[number], listTypeColumn, tostring(tNodeType), false, false ) guiSetEnabled ( teleManagerUseTele, true ) guiSetEnabled ( teleManagerDeleteTele, true ) end end function client_ReturnSpecificTeleport ( x, y, z, rot, warpType ) if rot == nil or rot == false then rot = 0 end if warpType == nil or warpType == false then warpType = "foot only" end if isPedInVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) == true then if getVehicleController ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == getLocalPlayer() then if warpType == "both" or warpType == "vehicle only" then setTimer ( setVehicleFrozen, 1500, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ), true ) fadeCamera ( false, 1 ) setTimer ( setElementPosition, 1500, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ), x, y, z ) setTimer ( setElementRotation, 1500, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ), 0, 0, rot ) setTimer ( setVehicleFrozen, 3000, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ), false ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 3000, 1, true, 1 ) elseif warpType == "foot only" then outputChatBox ( "*You have to be on foot to use this warp", 255, 0, 0 ) end end elseif isPedInVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) == false then if warpType == "both" or warpType == "foot only" then fadeCamera ( false, 1 ) setTimer ( setElementPosition, 2000, 1, getLocalPlayer(), x, y, z ) setTimer ( setPedRotation, 2000, 1, getLocalPlayer(), tonumber(rot) ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 3000, 1, true, 1 ) elseif warpType == "vehicle only" then outputChatBox ( "*You have to be in a vehicle to use this warp", 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "tele", toggleTeleportManager ) addEventHandler ( "client_ReturnPermissions", getRootElement(), client_ReturnPermissions ) addEventHandler ( "client_ReturnAvailableTeleports", getRootElement(), client_ReturnAvailableTeleports ) addEventHandler ( "client_ReturnSpecificTeleport", getRootElement(), client_ReturnSpecificTeleport ) server_Script: addEvent ( "client_CheckPermissions", true ) addEvent ( "client_CallAvailableTeleports", true ) addEvent ( "client_DestroyTeleport", true ) addEvent ( "client_CallSpecificTeleport", true ) addEvent ( "client_CreateNewTeleport", true ) isAdminStatus = {} teleportNodes = {} function client_CheckPermissions() if exports.vip:isPlayerVIP(client) then isAdminStatus[client] = true if not exports.vip:isPlayerVIP(client) then return false end end triggerClientEvent ( client, "client_ReturnPermissions", client, isAdminStatus[client] ) end function onPlayerLogout ( prevAccount, curAccount ) setElementData ( source, "allowedToCreateTele", false ) setElementData ( source, "allowedToDestroyTele", false ) if exports.VIP:isPlayerVIP(client) then isAdminStatus[client] = true if not exports:VIP:isPlayerVIP(client) then isAdminStatus[client] = false end end function onPlayerLogin ( prevAccount, curAccount ) if exports.VIP:isPlayerVIP(client) then isAdminStatus[client] = true if not exports.VIP:isPlayerVIP(client) then isAdminStatus[client] = false end triggerClientEvent ( source, "client_ReturnPermissions", source, isAdminStatus[source] ) end function client_CallAvailableTeleports() teleFile = xmlLoadFile ( "warps.xml" ) if teleFile then teleNodes = xmlNodeGetChildren ( teleFile ) for i, node in ipairs ( teleNodes ) do -- end local tableSize = table.maxn ( teleNodes ) if tableSize == 0 then teleAvailable = false triggerClientEvent ( client, "client_ReturnAvailableTeleports", client, teleAvailable ) else teleAvailable = true for i, v in ipairs ( teleNodes ) do tNodeX = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "x" ) tNodeY = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "y" ) tNodeZ = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "z" ) tNodeRot = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "rot" ) tNodeDesc = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "desc" ) tNodeType = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "type" ) triggerClientEvent ( client, "client_ReturnAvailableTeleports", client, teleAvailable, tNodeType, tNodeX, tNodeY, tNodeZ, tNodeDesc, i, tNodeRot ) end end end end function client_DestroyTeleport ( numberInTable ) xmlDestroyNode ( teleNodes[numberInTable] ) xmlSaveFile ( teleFile ) xmlUnloadFile ( teleFile ) outputChatBox ( "*Teleport deleted", client, 0, 255, 0 ) client_CallAvailableTeleports() end function client_CreateNewTeleport ( x, y, z, desc, rot, warpType ) teleFile = xmlLoadFile ( "warps.xml" ) mainNode = xmlFindChild ( teleFile, "teleports", 0 ) newTeleportNode = xmlCreateChild ( teleFile, "teleport" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "x", tonumber(x) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "y", tonumber(y) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "z", tonumber(z) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "rot", tonumber(rot) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "type", tostring(warpType) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( newTeleportNode, "desc", tostring(desc) ) xmlSaveFile ( teleFile ) xmlUnloadFile ( teleFile ) outputChatBox ( "*New teleport added!", client, 0, 255, 0 ) end function client_CallSpecificTeleport ( teleportID ) teleFile = xmlLoadFile ( "warps.xml" ) teleNodes = xmlNodeGetChildren ( teleFile ) selectedNode = teleNodes[teleportID] warpX = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( selectedNode, "x" ) warpY = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( selectedNode, "y" ) warpZ = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( selectedNode, "z" ) warpRot = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( selectedNode, "rot" ) warpType = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( selectedNode, "type" ) triggerClientEvent ( client, "client_ReturnSpecificTeleport", client, warpX, warpY, warpZ, warpRot, warpType ) end addEventHandler ( "client_CheckPermissions", getRootElement(), client_CheckPermissions ) addEventHandler ( "client_CallAvailableTeleports", getRootElement(), client_CallAvailableTeleports ) addEventHandler ( "client_DestroyTeleport", getRootElement(), client_DestroyTeleport ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onPlayerLogout ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), onPlayerLogin ) addEventHandler ( "client_CreateNewTeleport", getRootElement(), client_CreateNewTeleport ) addEventHandler ( "client_CallSpecificTeleport", getRootElement(), client_CallSpecificTeleport )
  4. Good evening. So I was just wondering if someone can make this resource https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1705 available only for the VIP's, so they can add/delete teleports. Instead of checking if the player can ban, it can use the function isPlayerVIP from my "vip" resource(not made by me), I belive the function is client sided, too. I tried for 2 hours, but then I gave up. If anyone is willing to help, I would be very greatful.
  5. Can you add a syntax if only "/my" is written?
  6. Nu îți găsește resursa.. Foarte ușor.. Verifică dacă ai un fișier de genul meta.xml (poate ai luat de la un server doar client-sided-ul). Degeaba o treci tu in mtaserver.conf atât timp cât resursa nu se numește așa/nu e o resursă completă. Baftă!
  7. True, true.. Dar dupa cum un bun amic care era admin pe un server de "RP" romanesc, ii poti linistii pe copii cu jail. Adica frate, acolo se dadea jail pe banda rulanta. De ce nu plecau playerii? L-am intrebat pe tip si mi-a zis ca romanu-i tot roman. Daca are ceva, o masina sau naiba stie nu stiu ce,nu o sa plece, ba chiar din contra, o sa stea in jail si n-o sa mai faca. Cum rezolvam problema asta cu "daca are ceva pe server"? E simplu, nu le dam nimic, chiar daca ne cer. II indrumam catre o factiune, asta ar fii primul pas, apoi incet-incet ii lasi sa-si stranga bani, pana isi iau o masina. Inainte de inregistrare pe cont primesti 6 intrebari pe care le poti schimba. Dupa cele 6 intrebari (corecte 6/6) vei trece la un test format din 4 intrebari, pe care trebuie ca ei sa-l scrie. Intra pe Owl Gaming si fa-ti un cont nou, te vei convinge. Pe RO-RP staff-ul este foarte strict, crede-ma, MTA-ul romanesc poate. Daca nu te-am convins inca, atunci cum SA-MP poate? Iti las timp de gandire, te asigur ca si RO-RP este plin de copii.
  8. Mda, majoritatea vor moduri de 300mb, case, masini si dracu' mai stie ce.. Acum incep sa-mi dau seama ca nu se prea merita.
  9. Hmm, atunci de ce nu-ti deschizi propriul server? I mean, pana acum n-am vazut niciun backdoor, forumul si UCP-ul le am si eu, configurate, tot. Acum de ce ai spus tu cu cei 4 indivizi, probabil unul dintre ei era Bruk, daca nu, chiar goodman, in fine, m-as risca pentru comunitatea romana, poate s-o mai trezi la realitate
  10. Pentru protejare le poti baga in .luac ;P
  11. Salut. Va scriu acest topic din cauza comunitatii actuale de MTA RP din Romania. Stiu, au mai fost facute 100 de topicuri de acelasi fel, nu s-a ajuns la absolut nimic. Majoritatea serverelor de MTA RP din Romania sa recunoastem, sunt de tot cacatul. Vedic Gaming+500MB moduri de masini+staff de tot cacatul. Am vazut ca exista si cativa scripteri pe aici, unii chiar foarte buni, dar la ce folositori? Atata timp cat majoritatea "jucatorilor"(copiilor) de MTA RP din Romania vor moduri, case, bani, etc. Acestia joaca doar pentru aceste stupizenii, stau 24/7 la "job", se mai duc la masa din cand in cand, cand ii cheama parintii, bineinteles, si cam atat. Nu tu placerea de a rola, nu tu nimic. In fine. Ceea ce incerc sa spun este ca trebuie sa facem ceva. Beneficiez de scripturile originale Owl Gaming, ultima versiune, dar problema este ca acum cateva minute hostul mi-a expirat. Va rog, nu incepeti flaming-ul, nu-mi spuneti ca n-am pic de cunostinta in LUA sau MySql. Cred ca eu sunt singurul din Romania care are scripturile oG, right? In fine, puteti lasa reply-uri aici, eu voi incerca sa raspund celor care merita sa fie raspunse. Daca cineva are bani de host (ceea ce nu am eu, fiindca nu-mi permit sa cheltuiesc banii pe asa ceva in acest momemt) poate sa ma contacteze la adresa de skype: razvan.chitza, sau aici, lasand un reply.
  12. @manawydan you were right. I had to made it server-sided
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