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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Oh , didn't knew that, thx. Well , it doesn't work either. local images = { "images/photo/1.png", "images/photo/2.png", "images/photo/3.png"} local curIndex = 1 addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function () if (source == rechtsbut) then if (curIndex == #images) then return end curIndex = curIndex - 1 elseif (source == linksbut) then if (curIndex == 1) then return end curIndex = curIndex - 1 end end ) After the first picture theres nothin.
  2. i know. but what do you mean with guiRoot ? What is that ?
  3. What about guiRoot ? i've did this with dx.
  4. Thank you guys for you replies, DNL291, your's is working perfectly. I tried to make a left button also so i can press the left button to get a picture before if im on the last picture. but that doesn't really work addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", linksbut, function () if (curIndex == #images) then return end curIndex = curIndex - 1 end )
  5. Ok thank you it worked. but if i click often on the button it just goes on never stops. so my question is : how cani say it should stop if it is on the last picture ?
  6. and if want to go back just do curIndex - 1?
  7. Your rotation is wrong. Just try some other rotation.
  8. Hi Community, so i have a question about dx Images. I have a few images in a folder, and i named them all like 1, 2, 3 ,4, etc... My Question is : How can i show the 2nd picture after the first if i click on my button ? i know i have to count it +1 but how ? i hope you could help me. regards, KRZO.
  9. EufraT, you forgot it to close^^ .
  10. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DownloadFile i don't think so.
  11. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Meta.xml Just read it.
  12. I've wrote that down. Those are the rotations of the objects. mostly you just need to change the Z rotation.
  13. You should read this : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sc ... troduction That would help you much.
  14. gate = createObject(980, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)-- 980 is the object number, x the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate, rx,ry,rz are the rotations. function gateOpen() moveObject( gate, 2000, x, y, z )-- gate is the object which we want to move, 2000 is the time the gate needs to move to the new coordinates. x,y,z are the coordinates where the gate should move . end addCommandHandler("gateo", gateOpen)--Command /gateo to open the gate function gateClose() moveObject( gate, 2000, x, y, z )--again the same thing just type here the x,y,z from above. so the gate gets where it was at the beginning. end addCommandHandler("gatec", gateClose)--Command /gatec to close the gate
  15. dxDrawLine((bX-1540) / 10 , (bY-680) / 10, 60, 350, tocolor(112, 203, 84), 2) Just an exampe.
  16. Karuzo

    HELP ME!!

    Just put it in a folder and start it.
  17. Karuzo


    That has nothing to do with this.
  18. Karuzo


    So tell us please what /debugscript 3 says.
  19. Karuzo


    And you have replaced the txd and the dff ? And put 355 instead of 30 ?
  20. Karuzo


    What ? which ak-47 icon ? I thaught you wanted to change the weapon model ?
  21. Karuzo


    Oh , didn't knew that.
  22. Karuzo


    oh ye pa3ck didn't noticed that , thanks you put them in one folder razvan , than you create a file called scriptname.lua , and put my code in that file. Than you create a meta.xml , and put that in what pa3ck write. Than you go on your server , type /refresh , and than /start resourcename (resourcename is the folder which you create so change it to your folder name). Hope it helps.
  23. Karuzo


    you're txd and dff are named ak47 ? your .lua is named scriptname.lua ? if not change it to your .lua in the meta.xml.
  24. lol, ye it worked . im so dumb... Thank you //Edit : pa3ck thank you , but i used bonsai's way
  25. Karuzo


    What don't you understand ? function applyMods() local skin = engineLoadTXD("ak47.txd", true) engineImportTXD(skin, 30) local skin = engineLoadDFF("ak47.dff", 30) engineReplaceModel(skin, 30) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, applyMods) meta:
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