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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Hey Guys, I have a Simple-Script, but it doesn't really work.. function Spawn1(thePlayer) spawnPlayer(thePlayer, 1177.51917, -1324.05542, 14.07470,-90, math.random(1,50) , 0, 0, nil) outputChatBox("Welcome!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), Spawn1)
  2. Yeah, leaked scripts.
  3. Idk, i saw it somewhere
  4. line 11, gonna check it out thx.
  5. Is it client-side in your meta?
  6. Hey Guys, i have a small problem with my Speed-Limiter Script. curMaxSpeed = false function limit_func ( cmd, amount ) local amount = tonumber ( amount ) if amount then local amount = math.abs ( amount ) curMaxSpeed = amount --curMaxSpeed = curMaxSpeed*0.00464 if not isTimer ( curMaxSpeedTimer ) then curMaxSpeedTimer = setTimer ( fixSpeed, 50, -1 ) end outputChatBox ( "Maximale Geschwindigkeit auf "..amount.." Km/h gesetzt. Verwende /stoplimit, um den Tempomat zu entfernen.", 150, 150, 0 ) else outputChatBox ( "Bitte gib eine gültige Km/h Zahl an!", 125, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "limit", limit_func ) function stoplimit_func () if not curMaxSpeed then outputChatBox ( "Du hast momentan den Tempomat nicht aktiviert. Verwende /limit [Km/h], um ihn zu aktivieren!", 150, 0, 0 ) else curMaxSpeed = false killTimer ( curMaxSpeedTimer ) outputChatBox ( "Tempomat wurde entfernt!", 0, 150, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "stoplimit", stoplimit_func ) function fixSpeed () local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(lp) if veh then if isVehicleOnGround ( veh ) and getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( lp ) == 0 then local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(veh) local speed = math.sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2) local kmh = speed * 180 if kmh > curMaxSpeed then setElementVelocity ( veh, vx*0.97, vy*0.97, vz*0.97 ) end end end end It outputs the message that the limit was set, but the caar doesn't really limit at that speed. No errors.
  7. Or you create a custom radar with the custom map inside. That would be awesum.
  8. I think that script is leaked, why? Cause there stands Nemesisbymanawaydan, And manawaydan is a member of this forum i think.
  9. I defined Y above, its not 0. So Y+10 is correct, but idk what you mean with amt and index .
  10. No it's not. It's at the SF airport.
  11. Sorry , i mean : I want to show all player names on the scoreboard. So i can't really show all players on one position. So i want to make a gap between the 1st player and the 2nd player and so on.
  12. Karuzo

    Another Q

    I think you could to that with onClientRender if im right.
  13. Hey Guys, So i have a problem with my dxDrawn Scoreboard. I want to make +2 on the Y-Axis for every player. here's my code: local playerheight = 10 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local playas = 0 for amt, player in pairs(players) do playas = playas + 1 if (playas <= 20) then local ping = getPlayerPing(player) if (ping >= 250) then r,g,b = 255,0,0 elseif (ping >= 120) then r,g,b = 255,69,0 else r,g,b = 0,255,0 end dxDrawText(getPlayerName ( player ), X+60,Y+10*playerheight, Width,Height, tocolor(255,255,255), 1 , "default","center", "center",false, false,true,true)
  14. Karuzo


    Do you mean the Rectangle only or the Score's too ? For the dxDrawRectangle --> there's an example in the wiki.
  15. Sounds pretty good. You could use SATAN's Berlin 1945 Map
  16. You've forgotten to close the if with an end. So there should be 2 ends.
  17. Close your server, go to you acl.xml and add "resource.admin"> "resource.webadmin"> In your Admin Group.
  18. Well thank you at first, but i want to unbind it if i click on a button, and re-bind it if i click on an another button.
  19. Hey guys, so i wanted to unbind the freeroam panel and re-bind it if i click on a button. How can i do that ?
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