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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. onVehicleExplode setTimer respawnVehicle Or use the following resource https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7426
  2. I guess the script is client side, copy again..
  3. Check /debugscript 3 , and tell me are there bugs in playerblips resource
  4. local un = createBlip (-1157.5693359375, -927.427734375, 129.21875, 6,2,_,_,_,0,100.0)
  5. This could be because a port isn't open, i'm not sure. You posted in the wrong section,post here and a dev will help you. viewforum.php?f=104
  6. As i know the function setBlipVisibleDistance is a little bugged, blips still appear on F11 map.
  7. Evo pokusavam , haha
  8. Zdravo, Zelim svim clanovima ovog naseg balkan foruma da cestitam novu godinu sa najljepsim zeljama
  9. Good job i like it , but next time you should use DX instead of GUI.
  10. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=83473&p=759228#p759228
  11. The resource is awesome, great job man! i don't know , as i know there aren't bugs,everything is working perfect! Only add the reload progressbar to hunter and hydra and the reload sound.
  12. @Einheit-101 Hydra and Hunter doesn't have a reload bar , only the Rhino. can you fix it.
  13. xeon17

    Second Rhino

    You don't know or don't want to script,trying to help you is wasting of time. I'm out
  14. xeon17

    Second Rhino

    No, you need to use these functions to script that what you want, omg...
  15. xeon17

    Second Rhino

    bindKey getPedOccupiedVehicle getElementModel getElementPosition createProjectile setTimer I guess you'll need to use the following functions to create it, i never tried to create this so if i'm wrong someone correct me please. Or seach on forum or community for "shooter" ,idk.
  16. xeon17

    Second Rhino

    No,that example won't do that what you want.
  17. xeon17

    Second Rhino

    What do you mean by second rhino? if you mean to replace the model(look) of a other vehicle to a rhino then it's possible with the following functions, engineLoadTXD engineImportTXD engineLoadDFF engineReplaceModel Rhino model is 432 If you mean to create a vehicle which can damage/shot like a rhino then use, createProjectile
  18. function displayResources() local resourceTable = getResources() for resourceKey, resourceValue in ipairs(resourceTable) do local name = getResourceName(resourceValue) end
  19. This year was awesome in MTA , good job and keep up with the good work! Also, happy new year to every member of MTA Community/Forum
  20. We don't give support with leaked scripts.
  21. The following resource contain offensive comments on portuguese, https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=9179
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