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Everything posted by xeon17
I must do that , hehe Thanks , the mini map isn't available for download.
What do you mean you don't try to sell the fast food? in first post you said that you're selling.
Client; addEvent("nsound2",true) addEventHandler("nsound2", getRootElement(), function () sound = playSound("sons/music.mp3", false) if isElement(sound) then setSoundVolume(sound, 1.0) end end ) Server; function Nemesisbymanawydan6 ( thePlayer) local AclNome6 = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..AclNome6, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then nemesi6 = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot ( 2598.2099609375, 1807.3173828125, 11.398876190186, 90, math.random ( 300, 303 ), 0, 0, Nemesis6, 0, "hunting", true ) setElementModel ( nemesi6, 162 ) outputChatBox ("ProjectZ has been spawned! Location: Pilgrim! One of the strongest Boss!",getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) BlipNemesis6 = createBlipAttachedTo ( nemesi6, 23 ) attachElements ( baz, nemesi6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 90, 0 ) setElementData(nemesi6, "nemesis6",true) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "nsound2", getRootElement()) if nemesi6 then exports.extra_health:setElementExtraHealth ( nemesi6, 10000 ) end end end addCommandHandler("boss6", Nemesisbymanawydan6)
Problem is , his weapon shop isn't for every resolution.
If i remember well , it's a GTA Bug. @Topic Good job , and keep it up! MTA 4EVER!
Just a question , do you even know scripting? :-:
You don't need to download it , it's available for everybody just login in your account click F8 and type "debugscript 3" And don't forget to write /duty , when the debugscript 3 window apper.
Yes , i thinked about this , but i didn't found anything. Thanks for the suggestion.
What about /debugscript3 ?
Yes , i never said i made that resource i just created a new GUI interface.Which part of that what i said you didn't understood?
I don't know , ask them why they use XML.
I already helped you , it's your problem if you're too dumb to understand. Have you even read my code?
Kada sam poceo igrati MTA volio sam mnogo freeroam servere.Zadnjih godina igrao sam u jednom brazilskom gangwar serveru za koji sam mislio da je najbolji na svjetu a vlasnici servera su pravi doktori skriptanja,ne bi pogrijesio da kazem da su jedni od najboljih skriptera u MTA. Prije nekoliko mjeseci sam poceo igrati u SAUR i server je stvarno odlican a svidio mi se mnogo gamemode RPG. Trenutno pravim svoj RPG/GangWar server. Volio bi mnogo da mi neko objasni razliku izmedju RPG i Roleplay
Read the resource description on community, this resource doesn't contain a marker to join police and such things
I didn't said it so clear , check how many exp the player have and draw the text how much he exp he need to get the next level. Simple. elseif (tonumber(H) >= 401 and tonumber(H) <=600) then triggerClientEvent(killer,"drawText",killer) end addEvent ( "drawText", true ) function drawText() addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, TextToNextLevel) end addEventHandler ( "drawText", root, drawText) function TextToNextLevel() dxDrawText() end
You're welcome.
Just awesome! can't wait for it.
No because dxDraw3DText will only work on client side. Client side; addEvent ( "onDuty", true ) function duty() if getElementData(source,"duty") == true then timer = setTimer ( function() setElementData(source,"onDuty",true) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source ) local playerName = getPlayerName(source ) local theText = dxDraw3DText( "Admin On Duty [NO DM]", x, y, z+1,05,"default",255,0,0,200) setTimer ( function() destroyElement(theText) end, 59, 1) end, 60, 0 ) else if isTimer(timer) then killTimer(timer) end setElementData(source,"duty",true) end end addEventHandler ( "onDuty", root, duty) Server side; function aduty ( player ) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then outputChatBox(" Administrator "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OnDuty!",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputChatBox("",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputServerLog(" Administrator "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OnDuty!") setElementData( player, "blood", 99999999999999999999999 ) heal = "9999999999999999999999999999" triggerClientEvent(player,"onDuty",getRootElement()) end end addCommandHandler("duty",aduty) function offaduty ( player ) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then outputChatBox(" Administrator "..getPlayerName(player).." Is No Longer OnDuty!",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputChatBox("",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputServerLog(" Administrator "..getPlayerName(player).." Is No Longer OnDuty!") setElementData( player, "blood", 12000 ) end end addCommandHandler("offaduty",offduty) function heal_func ( player ) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then if heal == "an" then setElementData( player, "food", 250 ) setElementData( player, "thirst", 250 ) end end end setTimer(heal_func, 60000, 0) But i didn't tested it , should work , /duty
Et-win When i started i didn't knew any other programming language , i learned fast here on forum from watching tutorials , and editing resources from community. I simply don't understand why this guy Xward don't want to learn. Xward What do you mean? the examples in each page are usefull.
Instead of copying ideas of other servers , you could create your unique things? don't you think? why someone should play in a copied server , when there is a orginal.