Hello there,
Already three days i have a problem with one resource , the resource always have a error in /debugscript 3 and i don't know how to solve it , because for my eyes everything looks correct.
Also, the resource works on client side but on server side it gives a error.
FishingBLIP = createBlip(-2238.76514, 2377.73901, 5.03511,9)
distance = setBlipVisibleDistance(FishingBLIP,500)
--local marker = createMarker(-2238.76514,2377.73901,5.03511,"cylinder",2,0,0,0,255)
local pickup = createPickup(-2238.76514,2377.73901,5.03511,3,1239)
function pickupUse ()
addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", pickup, pickupUse )
-- Global data
fisher_timer = nil
fish_market_time = math.random(10000,30000)
-- Fish data
fish_last_pos = {{ }}
fish_data = {
-- name, money
[1]={ "an Aligatorfish", 16 },
[2]={ "a Asian carp", 7 },
[3]={ "a Bandfish", 11 },
[4]={ "a Blue shark", 23 },
[5]={ "a Salmon", 45 },
[6]={ "a Norwegian Salmon", 67 },
[7]={ "a Pike", 23 },
[8]={ "a Perch", 24 },
[9]={ "a Black fish", 8 },
[10]={ "a Goldfish", 21 },
[11]={ "a Cat fish", 12 },
[12]={ "a Cow shark", 23 },
[13]={ "a Crestfish", 26 },
[14]={ "a Plaize", 14 },
[15]={ "a Coolie loach", 32 },
[16]={ "a Swedish Surströmming", 25 },
[17]={ "a Cobbler", 34 },
[18]={ "a Coffinfish", 17 },
[19]={ "a Dwarf gourami", 30 },
[20]={ "a Elver", 7 },
[21]={ "a Elephantnose fish", 23 },
[22]={ "a bag of weed", 156 },
[23]={ "a Eucla cod", 19 },
[24]={ "a Electric Eel", 23 },
[25]={ "a Emperior", 14 },
[26]={ "a Escolar", 14 },
[27]={ "a Elephant fish", 57 },
[28]={ "an anchor", 3 },
[29]={ "a Fire Goby", 29 },
[30]={ "a Four-eyed fish", 43 },
[31]={ "a Football fish", 31 },
[32]={ "a Frog fish", 4 },
[33]={ "a Frog", 75 },
[34]={ "a fish that has already been eaten", 1 },
[35]={ "a Frilled shark", 24 },
[36]={ "a French angel fish", 28 },
[37]={ "a Ground shark", 39 },
[38]={ "a Guppy", 4 },
[39]={ "a Gunnel", 21 },
[40]={ "a Goose fish", 33 },
[41]={ "a Golden throuth", 33 },
[42]={ "a bag of money", 42 },
[43]={ "a Ice fish", 21 },
[44]={ "a Horse fish", 22 },
[45]={ "a Hoki", 65 },
[46]={ "a Harelip sucker", 30 },
[47]={ "a Hairtail", 20 },
[48]={ "a Inconnu", 13 },
[49]={ "a Jewelfish", 91 },
[50]={ "a Knife fish", 34 },
[51]={ "a Ide", 17 },
[52]={ "a Killfish", 55 },
[53]={ "a Koi", 15 },
[54]={ "a Kokanee", 37 },
[55]={ "a piece of the lost city Atlantis", 99 },
[56]={ "a Japanese eel", 32 },
[57]={ "a IKEA chair", 42 },
[58]={ "a Lake chub", 27 },
[59]={ "a Luderick", 33 },
[60]={ "a Louvar", 21 },
[61]={ "a Longfin", 22 },
[62]={ "a Labyrinth fish", 11 },
[63]={ "a clam", 13 },
[64]={ "a broken clam", 2 },
[65]={ "a Long-finned pike", 28 },
[66]={ "something you didn't liked and threw back", 0 },
[67]={ "Lyretail", 33 },
[68]={ "a crab", 16 },
[69]={ "a Murray cod", 6 },
[70]={ "a Mud minnow", 8 },
[71]={ "a Mrigal", 3 },
[72]={ "a rock with the text \"Billy was here\"", 14 },
[73]={ "a Mud cat fish", 7 },
[74]={ "a Mullet", 5 },
[75]={ "the book \"nicke curious and the shark\"", 7 },
[76]={ "a shark", 1 },
[77]={ "a Milk fish", 9 },
[78]={ "the bottle of vodka you lost the last time you where here", 0 },
[79]={ "Mahseer", 12 },
[80]={ "a Monkfish", 25 },
[81]={ "a human hand", 3 },
[82]={ "a Nurse shark", 32 },
[83]={ "an eel", 3 },
[84]={ "a piraya", 7 },
[85]={ "a North american darter", 21 },
[86]={ "a Nibble fish", 22 },
[87]={ "a Noodlefish", 18 },
[88]={ "a North american freshwater catfish", 36 },
[89]={ "a Oregon chub", 28 },
[90]={ "a Opah", 27 },
[91]={ "a Pink salmon", 123 },
[92]={ "a Porgy", 14 },
[93]={ "a Ponyfish", 18 },
[94]={ "a Oscar fish", 11 },
[95]={ "a Powen", 10 },
[96]={ "a Pacific cod", 20 },
[97]={ "a Pilot fish", 21 },
[98]={ "a Pygmy sunfish", 17 },
[99]={ "a Prickly shark", 32 },
[100]={ "a River shark", 23 },
-- Handle fishing
function fishing_get(fisher)
local fishers = getElementsByType( "player" )
for k,fisher in pairs(fishers) do
if getPedContactElement( fisher ) and isElement( getPedContactElement( fisher )) and
getElementType( getPedContactElement( fisher )) == "vehicle" and
getVehicleType( getPedContactElement( fisher )) == "Boat" then
-- getPlayerTeam( fisher ) == getTeamFromName( "Civilians" )
-- getElementData( fisher, "Occupation" ) == "Fisher" then
-- Verify position
if not fish_last_pos[fisher] then
fish_last_pos[fisher] = { }
fish_last_pos[fisher][1],fish_last_pos[fisher][2],fish_last_pos[fisher][3] = 0,0,0
local x,y,z = getElementPosition( fisher )
local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x,y,z, fish_last_pos[fisher][1],fish_last_pos[fisher][2],fish_last_pos[fisher][3] )
fish_last_pos[fisher][1],fish_last_pos[fisher][2],fish_last_pos[fisher][3] = x,y,z
-- Check distance before payment
if dist > 0.1 then
-- This player is a fisher
local ID = math.random(#fish_data)
-- exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You found "..fish_data[iD][1]..", worth "..fish_data[iD][2].."$", fisher, 0, 255, 0 )
exports["NGMessages"]:sendClientMessage("You found "..fish_data[ID][1]..", worth "..fish_data[ID][2].."$", fisher, 255, 0, 0)
givePlayerMoney( fisher, fish_data[ID][2] )
-- Generates a new time
function new_timer()
if isTimer( fisher_timer ) then
killTimer( fisher_timer )
fish_market = math.random(10000,30000)
fisher_timer = setTimer( fishing_get, fish_market, 0 )
function fish_market( player )
if fish_market_time < 14000 then
outputChatBox( "The fish population is excellent now, hurry up, go fishing!", player, 200, 200, 200 )
elseif fish_market_time < 18000 then
outputChatBox( "The fish are biting good now", player, 200, 200, 200 )
elseif fish_market_time < 24000 then
outputChatBox( "Fish market could have been worse but you might have some luck!", player, 200, 200, 200 )
outputChatBox( "You need a lot of fishing luck if you think you can get anything right now", player, 200, 200, 200 )
addCommandHandler( "fishmarket", fish_market )
-- Set global timers
fisher_timer = setTimer( fishing_get, fish_market_time, 0 )
setTimer( new_timer, 3600000, 0 )
On client side , the resource starts normaly but the problem is player doesen't get money for fishing.
Error photo:
Hope someone can help me.