Sto se tice foruma,vidio sam malo ljudi sa Balkana U serveru kao sto je SAUR (u kome cesto igram) vidio sam puno Balkanaca.Pa sta da kazem , jednostavno nema dovoljno ljudi za pravljenje jedne take zajednice za Balkan. A pravljenje jednog MTA Balkan servera je odlicna ideja, volio bi mnogo da se napravi ali ne vjerujem da ce se to desiti. A problem bi bio koliko je ljudi spremno da igra na tom serveru,sigurno mnogi nebi odustali od igranja na SAURU,SAES-u,CiT i tako dalje. Mega9 zao mi je sto si odustao, mozda bi mogla grupa skriptera sa Balkana da se skupi pa da pokusamo ponovo napraviti server?
function ()
local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer)
if not(team)then return end
local players = getPlayersInTeam(team)
for _,v in ipairs(players)do
dxDrawText (getPlayerName(v), x + 60, 420, x, y, tocolor( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold" )
Hello there,
Asking me if there is any way to create a radar area on every zone, who doesn't know what zones are. The following picture should explain it ,
I saw a server which have radar areas on every zone in LS and SF , and when you enter in a zone dxtext apper with the name of the zone. I'll need to use createRadarArea with custom x,y,z which i chose or there is a better way. To create radararea on every zone in LS and SF
Who still doesn't know what zones are, check the following functions.
Kind regards
You can use the following function to check is the element within marker;
And use this,if you want to get all elements in a marker;
function getElementsWithinMarker(marker)
if (not isElement(marker) or getElementType(marker) ~= "marker") then
return false
local markerColShape = getElementColShape(marker)
local elements = getElementsWithinColShape(markerColShape)
return elements
So, i created this topic to ask which program are you using for programming in Lua.
Here is a list of programs which i know and used.
MTA Scripting Editor - MTASE
Sublime text 2
I had the same error when i tried to enter in your server , before my mta crashed it lagged a lot.
Version = 1.4-release-6977.0.000
Time = Wed Dec 24 14:49:55 2014
Module = C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
Code = 0xE06D7363
Offset = 0x0000812F
EAX=0022F3F0 EBX=0022F560 ECX=00000003 EDX=00000000 ESI=73CBC164
EDI=00000000 EBP=0022F440 ESP=0022F3F0 EIP=75B4812F FLG=00200216
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
Wanted to know what you guys think about the interface of bridge toll booth , critics and suggestions are welcome!
Come on , seriously? what so hard at creating HUDS?
Can be done in 30 minutes....
This theme is the best i ever saw,good job! but.
Could someone change the color of this theme from green to red for me? i'm not a designer. I would be so thankful.
sorry for bump.