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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. Its simple, just check how many exp have the player and draw the text
  2. xeon17

    Team vehicles

    No , one file is enough. And don't think if you copy the examples from the pages it will work. Those examples are only there to make your scripting easier , and to show how the functions/events work.
  3. xeon17

    Team vehicles

    Dude , Lua is so easy. Simply don't be lazy and try it , after some time you'll learn it. And we are here to help you. btw , i edited my post to make it more clear.
  4. xeon17

    Team vehicles

    The script should be server side , now see the examples on wiki of the functions which i gave you , it's so easy to create that what you want , but you simply don't want to learn scripting. If you don't want to learn , pay a scripter to do those things for you. Try to create it , if you need help just say. And a answer like " i can't it " is not acceptable.
  5. Show the client part , when you draw the dx text.
  6. xeon17

    Team vehicles

    No no , Learn Lua , come on dude , have you some problems so you can't learn? it's a so easy language.
  7. I guess he don't know how to change
  8. Looks pretty nice , good job and keep it up!
  9. The problem is that you're using the function in client side , so the text is only visible to the player who used the command.
  10. How we can help you , when we don't know how your level system works...?
  11. xeon17

    Team weapon shop

    As far i know no , but it's pretty easy to create it. Just check does the player have a team and the team name , before the ammu GUI apper.
  12. xeon17

    Team vehicles

    No , but it's pretty easy to create something like this. Event; onVehicleStartEnter -- This event is triggered , when a player try to enter in a vehicle. Functions; getElementModel -- This function will get the type of vehicle , so if it's a rhino we continue with checking of player team. getPlayerTeam -- This function will check have the player a team , if not we cancel the event so he can't use the rhino. getTeamFromName -- If the player have a team , this funtion will get the name of the team, if isn't the name you want cancel. cancelEvent -- This function will cancel the event
  13. He said , the blips are still visible in F11.
  14. You guys should read what he said use getDistanceBetweenPoints2D setBlipColor
  15. Now it's pretty nice what you think guys ._. http://imgur.com/rnBsrtj
  16. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Call It's pretty easy to cancel the event to exit from a vehicle , i guess you tried the wrong event Here is a example. function exitVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) --when a player enters a vehicle cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "You can't exit from this vehicle!", thePlayer ) --and tell the player why end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), exitVehicle ) -- add an event handler for onVehicleStartExit
  17. Wtf is this @_@ http://paste.mtasa.com/
  18. Mada nisam preveliki ljubitelj Race/DD ( noob sam ) ucicu u server da vidim kakav je
  19. xeon17

    table help

    Write "root" instead of "thePlayer"
  20. xeon17

    Vip Script

  21. xeon17

    I Need Help

    There is no need for setElementData , and he asked how to create a importall ped,not a player! Use Event; onClientPedDamage cancelEvent
  22. It's not important did he said or not , it's not nice to laugh about other peoples work. @Shaman123 Nice work but you should do the buttons also in DX , if you need help. Feel free to send me a PM!
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