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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. xeon17

    Choose team skin

    You're welcome. I'm glad to hear that you started with GUI
  2. I'm proud that you have suggested me , but i don't want to be moderator. @On topic. Yes , it would be nice to have an moderator since we recently had some problems in the section.
  3. xeon17


    How old are you?
  4. xeon17


    post removed.
  5. Eu acho que você vai ter que editar o recurso spawnmanager
  6. It's a bug and end. No need for more discussion I saw it on other servers too.
  7. xeon17

    LUAC Help

    Then ask your friend to help you , or everyone will think you came here to ask how to decompile a script to steal..
  8. Change the description of the resource which you want to delete to "DELETE" then report the resource in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=45807&start=1110
  9. Didn't knew i need to write an capital character. Thank you
  10. sent by MP because you can not help it here? Can be useful for many people
  11. xeon17

    Choose team skin

    The GUI is the easiest and best way to do this. You can also use commands, createTeam setPlayerTeam getPlayerTeam setElementModel addCommandHandler
  12. xeon17

    Choose team skin

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/In ... ng_the_GUI
  13. What's wrong with you? ....
  14. I had experience with Debain 7 64bit and I have absolutely no complains.
  15. Noob = Player("ccv") Noob:kill()
  16. Of course , use them but don't expect any help in this forum.
  17. Never , even not in dreams.
  18. Well , the debug is saying that the resource isn't running, why you don't start the resource? ...?
  19. Also learn scripting , this what you doing is wasting of our time.
  20. Pa kao sto sam mozes zakljuciti balkanski forum je prilicno neaktivan ali nam je mozda potreban moderator da rijesi situacije kao sto je slucaj u ovom topicu.
  21. xeon17


    Well , if you're begginer i would like to suggest you using accountData instead of SQL what would be easier for you. getAccountData setAccountData
  22. Yes and read the wiki when you have such questions, wiki > all
  23. Well , next time check the wiki alone http://prntscr.com/6e8q7j
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