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Everything posted by xeon17
Both can be problem , FPS because as MrTasty already said because of some quality mods which can cause problems on old hardware and Ping because some peoples simply have bad internet , and they will need to wait a lot of time to play in server while they wait, ping will be high.
Este não é um fórum para pedidos de scripts, você pode tentar encontrar o script em comunidade. https://community.multitheftauto.com Para criar o script, não é muito difícil, você precisa usar as seguintes funções e eventos. Event; onVehicleEntet Event; onVehicleExit setVehicleEngineState bindKey
https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10893
The design could be better good job anyway
allowLeaveVehicle = true col = createColSphere(-1904.5953369141, 275.81134033203, 41.046875, 1.5 ) function openDoor(thePlayer) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if not ( source ~= vehicle ) then setGarageOpen(18, true) allowLeaveVehicle = true else return end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", col, openDoor)
Trenutno su mi potrebne mape kao sto sto su baze,interiori,zatvor,alcatraz. Dodaj me na skajpu pa cemo razgovarati o vise detalja. Trenutno nisam spreman da platim niti sam u poziciji za to. Mislim da je bolje uloziti pare za jedan dobar VPS , domain , sajt i tako dalje
I wrote the example very fast and forget it, thanks for telling me
onMarkerHit and onClientMarkerHit have a dimension parameter. addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",root, function (hitPlayer,Dimensions) if hitPlayer.player and Dimensions then hitPlayer:outputChat("You hit the marker") end end)
Esse resource não depende de gamemode para fucionar, até freeroams usam.
Yes , this is exactly that what i searched Thanks a lot @DakiLLa
Zdravo ljudi! Mada sam vec jednom napravio jednu temu u vezi ovoga u Engleskom djelu foruma dva puta , niko mi se nije javio i nisam uspio da nadjem nijednog mappera. Trenutno mi je cilj da napravim jedan RPG server u MTA , pa bi posle sigurno radio na drugim projektima u MTA kao naprimjer ( Zombie gamemode,Multigamemode) ali da se vratim na stvar. Cilj je napraviti jedan jedinstven RPG server mada on na pocetku nece biti jedinstven jer napraviti jedan gamemode od same nule nije jednostavno. Vec jedno vrijeme radim sam na serveru i dosta stvari je gotovo , ali mi je potrebna pomoc jednog ili vise profesionalnih mappera. Mapping ce biti jedna od najvaznijih stvari na serveru , a imao sam ideju da se napravi skroz nova mapa umjesto obicne GTA San Andreas ali to je jedan od projekata u buducnosti servera. Sto se tice izgleda servera , mogu vam pokazati jednu skriptu koju sam uradio sa mojom DX-Bibliotekom (DX-Library) Ako ima zainteresovanih da se prikljuce ekipi servera , mozete me kontaktirati ovde na forumu preko Privatne poruke ili na mom skajpu koji je: xeon-sdk
If i remember well , in community there was a resource which make it possible to create Labels on F11 (Map) I tried to find the resource but without succes , if someone know please post
function giveAdminRights (playerSource, commandName, accountName) --add the function giveAdminRights and specify its arguments local theAccount = getPlayerFromName(accountName) if theAccount then --if there was an accountName entered then if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( theAccount ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Policia Militar' ) ) then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..theAccount) --add an ACL object using the form "user.[accountName]" to the ACL group "Admin" outputChatBox ("Account '"..theAccount.."' succesfully added to the admin group", playerSource) --output a notification to the player who entered the command that the was successfully added else --else output an error message and the correct syntax of the command to the player who entered it outputChatBox ("No account name specified.", playerSource) outputChatBox ("Correct syntax: /giveAccountAdminRights [accountName]", playerSource) end end end addCommandHandler("giveAccountAdminRights", giveAdminRights) --add a command Tente agora, não se esqueça de verificar /debugscript 3 quando você inicia o recurso ou use o comando.
LmG//XeoN#: This server is a pure saur copy.... Randy: lolling at me? * yolo killed The-Best-one. (M4) yolo: hhhhhh * (STORM)#Joao(TK) permanently banned LmG//XeoN# (So go play there )
function healFlowers (attacker, attackerweapon, bodypart, loss) theHealth = getElementHealth (source) if ( theHealth > 95 ) then return end if (attackerweapon == 41) and (loss > 1) and ( theHealth < 95 ) then setElementHealth ( source, theHealth+17 ) givePlayerMoney (attacker, 1.7*theHealth) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), healFlowers )
getPlayerAccount getAccountName isObjectInACLGroup getPlayerFromName aclGroupAddObject addCommandHandler
1. theHealth isn't defined 2. vehicleValue isn't defined , use source instead which is the vehicle which get damaged. 3. There isn't a function called setVehicleHealth , i guess you mean setElementHealth but there isn't need for this function, fixVehicle will work.
Clean and neat design , good job !