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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. local noob = Player("Anubhav") noob:ban() buhahahahah
  2. if getElementData(thePlayer, "seatbelt") then setElementData(thePlayer,"seatbelt",nil) ?
  3. if attacker and (attacker ~= source) then if (getElementType(attacker) == "player") then attackerTeam = getPlayerTeam(attacker) attackerTeamName = getTeamName(attackerTeam) if attackerTeamName ~= sourceTeamName then if (isElementWithinColShape(attacker, gang_Col[sourceTeamName])) then if (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName] < 3) then destroyWarsGangZoneStats(attackerTeamName, sourceTeamName) WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName] = WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName]+1 if (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName] == 1) then outputChatBox(" Player:"..getPlayerName(attacker).." èç "..attackerTeamName.." has provoked a turf war!"..sourceTeamName.."!", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 0,true) setRadarAreaFlashing(gang_Area[sourceTeamName], true) setTimer(FlashingStop,60000,1,sourceTeamName,attackerTeamName) end elseif (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName] == 3) then WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][sourceTeamName] = 4 r, g, b = getTeamColor(attackerTeam) setRadarAreaColor(gang_Area[sourceTeamName], r, g, b, 175) outputChatBox(" Gang: "..attackerTeamName.." is taking "..sourceTeamName.."turf!", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 0,true) setRadarAreaFlashing(gang_Area[sourceTeamName], false) gangZone[sourceTeamName] = attackerTeamName end elseif (isElementWithinColShape(attacker, gang_Col[attackerTeamName])) then if gangZone[attackerTeamName] ~= attackerTeamName then if (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] < 3) then destroyWarsGangZoneStats(attackerTeamName, attackerTeamName) WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] = WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] + 1 if (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] == 1) then setRadarAreaFlashing(gang_Area[attackerTeamName], true) outputChatBox(" Player: "..getPlayerName(attacker).." is taking "..attackerTeamName.." turf!", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 0,true) setTimer(FlashingStop,60000,1,sourceTeamName,attackerTeamName) end elseif (WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] == 3) then WarsGangZone[attackerTeamName][attackerTeamName] = 4 r, g, b = getTeamColor(attackerTeam) setRadarAreaColor(gang_Area[attackerTeamName], r, g, b, 175) outputChatBox(" Gang: "..attackerTeamName.." has taken the turf!", getRootElement(), 0, 0, 0,true) setRadarAreaFlashing(gang_Area[attackerTeamName], false) gangZone[attackerTeamName] = attackerTeamName end end end end end end
  4. Ahh , sorry I haven't saw that.
  5. Well , if i understood good he want to mute MTA/GTA map/background sounds
  6. No need for this hukus-pukus,simply use this: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () setWorldSoundEnabled ( root,false ) setAmbientSoundEnabled( "general", false ) end)
  7. It doesn't work for me , i did everything corrently. http://prntscr.com/6jgoyc http://prntscr.com/6jgpvp Sorry for bumb , hope somebody can help me ._.
  8. Replace onVehicleDemage with onVehicleDamage and see if it works.
  9. Try Zmodeler , you don't need a so good PC for it. http://www.zmodeler2.com/
  10. Does somebody know, is there any debug monitor for Notepad++ for Lua?
  11. Você pode encontrar o código em fr_client.lua No entanto, para criar isto não é difícil. tonumber setElementModel addCommandHandler
  12. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), function ( _, theCurrentAccount ) setPlayerName ( source, getAccountName ( theCurrentAccount ) ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement ( ), function ( ) cancelEvent() end ) lua]
  13. You didn't understood him at all , he created the weapon on client side so the weapon is visible only to the local player. Other players can't see the weapon, that's his problem.
  14. xeon17

    Plane weapon

    You are using a server side event together with client side functions , use onClientVehicleEnter instead of onVehicleEnter.
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