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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. isObjectInACLGroup works only on server side , the only way to do this is using a Trigger which would show the freeroam GUI without using element data.
  2. Minha net não tava muito boa hoje, normalmente meu download é 300mbs.
  3. Isso depende da qualidade conexão da sua operadora com o servidor, eu moro em Montenegro(na europa) e a velocidade do download é equivalente à de servidores americanos
  4. What do you mean by "garage" it's a map,object or? if it's a map you could edit the meta.xml and set the dimension of the map.
  5. Then you'll have to edit the spawnmanager resource.
  6. As i know , he is creating his own spawn system and he have a problem which is caused by the play resource. So i've wrote to stop the play resource, what would fix the problem.
  7. That does not explain why you deleted my comment where I asked if the website was offline.
  8. O que você está fazendo Marcell? copiou meu código?
  9. The problem was the fuction which doesn't work properly on server side , thank you Banex for trying to help.
  10. I would like to ask you guys to stop , i've created this topic because i need help and not for your private discussions.
  11. Why this isn't working? no errors in debug. ped:setAnimation("STRIP","STR_C2",-1,true,false,true)
  12. Dewu you don't need to use this loop.
  13. X = 11.45 Y = 44.54 Z = 31.54 spawnSkin = 0 addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement() function () spawnPlayer(source,X,Y,Z,90.0,spawnSkin,0,0) end)
  14. Also Deepu , check your first post
  15. Are you sure you created all these icons? I remember seeing these icons in a hud called "hud windows 8" available for GTA-SA. Remember, edit is different from creating
  16. I simply love your design have you even thinked about to create a DX Library?
  17. Mislim da nema smisla , vrijedjati se na ovaj nacin zbog nekog servera ili igrice. @Blast3r Mislim da je on htio da uvrijedi republiku srpsku kao server , ne na naciolalnoj osnovi.
  18. What do you mean? you'll have to find the part of freeroam resource , where vehicles was created and simply use the function which i gave you to warp the player in the vehicle.
  19. You'll have to edit the freeroam resource.
  20. function adminduty(player) if getElementData(player,"duty") then setPlayerNametagText (player,"") setElementModel(player,0) takeWeapon(player,26,30) outputChatBox("You aren't on Duty anymore!",player) else outputChatBox("You are on Duty now!",player) setElementData(player,"duty",true) giveWeapon (player,26,30) setPlayerNametagText (player,"onDuty") setPedArmor (player,100) setElementModel (player,260) end end end addCommandHandler("aduty",adminduty)
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