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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. Bem, na minha opinião, o Linux é uma opinião melhor para um servidor MTA que o Windows por causa da baixa uso de CPU e RAM. Se você tiver problemas com o Linux, não é por que o Linux é ruim. É por que o seu conhecimento é baixo.
  2. The event onVehicleEnter will be called when a player warped into a vehicle,how i know? I've tested my code and it works. If you still have doubts please test the code and i think using a timer in this case is stupid since the event onVehicleEnter exists.
  3. The event onVehicleEnter can't be canceled , my code works. I'm pretty sure he did something wrong in meta. Well , this event will only trigger when the player try to enter in the vehicle , not when warped in the vehicle by the admin panel.
  4. What do you mean my script doesn't work. I've tested and it works excelent. Are you sure the script is server side on meta.XML?'
  5. Well , in this case a timer isn't necessary. My code will give a better result than Banex's local allowed = {[411] = true,[522] = true, [470] = true} addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function(thePlayer) if not allowed[getElementModel(source)] then destroyElement(source) end end)
  6. A função que o Banex deu tem um exemplo que fazer exatamente isso o que você quer.
  7. gunmarker = createMarker(1914.39136, -1870.26575, 12.56373, "cylinder", 0.5, 100) function dealGUND(thePlayer, dimensions) if thePlayer == localPlayer and dimensions then if source == gunmarker then outputChatBox("Dealer: Yo, what you need, bro?") gun = false guiSetVisible(oknodila, true) showCursor(true) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), dealGUND)
  8. It is , just get the R,G,B
  9. It's because you don't have acces to the admin panel , you'll have to add yourself in the admin group. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Acl
  10. You can change the acces to aexec and debugscript in acl.xml
  11. xeon17


    OS: Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64bit Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz Ram: 8GB HDD: 1TB Graphic Card: N740D50C 2GB DDR5 Motherboard: Gigabyte Z97P-D3 DVD-RW 500W Price: 550€
  12. xeon17


    Well then , i'll do that what you recommended. I'll let someone to bulid a PC for me and soon i'll post the information here. Thank you GodFather_
  13. xeon17

    [HELP] Script

    What the hell are you doing?
  14. xeon17

    Hud Windows 8

    Good job. By the way , what's new in the last version?
  15. xeon17

    Program for Lua

    Looks cool MrBrutus
  16. xeon17


    What do you think about the idea to upgrade my currently computer, a new processor , video/graphic card,ram. Screenshots of my currently computer: http://prntscr.com/6alve5 http://prntscr.com/6aly98
  17. xeon17


    I'm not ready to spend more than 500-600€ on this.I thinked about to upgrade maybe the computer which i currently have instead of buying a new one. I'll post more information about my computer when i come home.
  18. You can edit the interiors resource to add new teleports.
  19. xeon17


    Well , thank you for your answer MrBrutus which i found very usefull and thanks for explaining everything. I would like to use this PC for gaming and relexing on facebook,youtube,email and similiar things. Also , i would like to play GTA V a bit The graphic card is the following http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product ... id=4217#ov Here is the link of the computers store , http://www.mdcom.me/index.php/desktop-racunari
  20. xeon17


    Hello, I wanted to buy a new computer soon but my knowledge about computers is quite a bit so I wanted to ask what you think about the next two computers and which one is better and recommended. and
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