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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. Backflip! Will Bosnia beat Andora?
  2. RooTs Olha quem fala, você já se viu no espelho?
  3. xeon17


    Here you go: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8249
  4. xeon17

    Change animation

    Who says that we're not smoking weed
  5. xeon17

    Change animation

    But he don't want to change the walking style, what's wrong with you? the fu.ck.
  6. xeon17

    Change animation

    Have you at least read his post?
  7. As far as i know it's not possible, but may i'm wrong.
  8. Sto ce propasti? kako ja vidim MTA je sve veci i veci.
  9. In my opinion learning scripting and Lua is pretty easy but depends how you learn and do you realy want it. I saw a lot peoples asking for help in scripting forum but the only thing they want is that someone do all the work for them and after a year they didn't learned anything that's bad.
  10. Po mom misljenju MTA je za svjetlosnu godinu bolji od SA-MP-a. Mada nisam mnogo igrao ipak mi se uopste nije svidjeo.Jedan od razloga zasto balkanci vise vole SA-MP jeste sto ima balkanskih servera.
  11. Kao sto sam vec jednom rekao ima nas dovoljno dobrih skriptera i mappera da napravimo jedan kvalitetan server tako da to nebi trebao da bude problem. Jedan od problema jeste kolliko bi postojecih igraca bilo spremno da igra u serveru, ali sam siguran da bi server privukao dosta SA-MP igraca i bio bi dobar pocetak za nove igrace koji su poceli tek da igraju MTA a ne znaju engleski jezik.
  12. Mislim da moje misljenje vec znas. Otvaranje jednog Balkan servera je dobra ideja i ima nas dovoljno dobrih skriptera i mappera da napravimo jedan kvalitetan server.Samo mislim da ova anketa nece pokazati pravi iznos ljudi koji bi igrali na tom serveru jer kako i sam mozes vidjeti nema nas mnogo balkanaca na ovom forumu ali sam siguran da bi server privukao mnogo balkanaca i novih igraca u MTA jer po mom nekom misljenju postoji mnogo igraca koji vole RPG ali ne mogu da se snadju jer ne znaju engleski jezik.
  13. Yes , it mean the resource should be removed.
  14. I've said in my previous post that i'm not sure who created the scripts , but the radar is the same like in SAS-Network. The images are stolen though from cache and this resource should be removed.
  15. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=11176 Map stolen from SAS-Network, the scripts also could be stolen since they are compiled and this is the same radar as in SAS-Network.
  16. Believe me , stupid peoples dominate the world i got a few friends who don't even know how to download mta
  17. @John Smith This is a tutorial for new and future players, so not for you. @Backflip! It's a very good tutorial , but would be better to add a few screenshots or a video because of the peoples who are lazy to read or stupid
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